What are your impressions of BF4 beta so far?

If you asked me about 4 hours ago, I'd say that BF4 has a scary number of rough edges. HOwever, most of those seemed to have worked themselves out this evening (slow running, getting caught on everything, etc).
Obviously there needs to be some optimization, but I think for being up less than 24 hours the beta is doing well. I don't mind the map much, but I'm looking forward to a wide variety of maps.
There will be a lot of server patches that will be applied during the beta fyi
Likes, graphics are much better, sound is great, New vehicles and weapons are pretty cool thus far but that may wear off

Dislikes, crashed my computer for first time since I built it, spawn screen has TOO MUCH SHIT IN IT, open more maps, also it takes way too long to load into a game, it's like BF3 used to be before I got a bunch of extra DICE RAM.

50%CPU, 4 minutes and 2 gigs of RAM later and if finally crashes out of the loading screen. Big time thumbs down.
The Beta is MEHHHHH... Not very impressed. we'll see how the actual release is.
On another note I just bought a package for star citizen. now I just have to wait 1-2 years for the game to launch...
Joystick setup is just as fucktarded as it was in BF3. I'm reserving judgment on the game till I can actually play it - hopefully in a couple of hours.
I had it crash four or five times. Initially, I had a weird glitch where the game would disappear and the desktop (with battlelog, etc) would be visible for a split second, then the game would be back up. Later, it would just lock up or crash entirely. Also, Joelebroy was able to make 3 ranks to my 1 in the same game, so obviously, something is wrong with the coding.
There is a weird glitch that puts the gunboat several blocks into the city, amongst the buildings. Not sure how it happens but it's fucking bizarre. The attack choppers have been nerfed, tanks buffed and it seems like they reinstituted the tanks are weak from the rear rule of 2142. Pretty fun, a little chaotic still. There are serious problems with the spawn screen, not just that they have entirely too much shit going on there but you also lose your ability to spawn on squadmates for entire rounds. I like that you have a vehicle spawn option but they need to entirely redesign the spawn screen. Probably ain't gonna happen so I'll have to learn how to love that shit sandwich, considering how often I die I'll be eating a lot of it.
Mac what do you mean about the tanks. Could a swore bf3 tanks take twice as much damage up the butt than anywhere else.
Mac what do you mean about the tanks. Could a swore bf3 tanks take twice as much damage up the butt than anywhere else.

Tis true....I think though they may have increased the weakspot area. I took down a number of tanks faster than I would have in BF3.
Remember folks.... this is beta.... 100% pure glitching fun and un optimized chaos..
I wanted to get on the drydocked boat and use its cannon as it sat on the ground near E.
I wanted to get on the drydocked boat and use its cannon as it sat on the ground near E.

Well someone accepted my challenge to run a jetski into an elevator and ride it to the top floor so apparently anything goes in BF4!
I had fun with this last night. Glitchiness aside, I didn't experience any of the problems I've read about in other forums like low fps (20-40) stressing the cpu, or anything funky. I was running between 80-120 fps last night depending on the action. The whole kill cam shit turning orange is gay as fuck, but then the whole idea of a kill cam is gay as fuck as well. Other than the helo's side guns being weaker than fuck I had fun.