What are your impressions of BF4 beta so far?

man i think the choppers are alot better in bf4 then bf3.. i almost like them as much as i did in bf2.. the reloading is kinda fucked but other then that, i like how they fly and how they maneuver.. i also feel the chopper is stronger, you can still control the chopper after a few rocket rounds hit you.

I always get one hit from regular rpg in the chopper :/
Mac there's also a regen counter, which is the bar underneath the ammo count. Each time the bar fills up you get another 30 rounds for the helo gunner or another tank round or whatever. So the first few reloads are nice and quick, but when you run out of ammo you have to wait for it to replenish before you can reload. That's probably what you're noticing there. I like the system; the choppers can swoop in, take out a few guys and be mean but then they lose their teeth and they have to retreat. It's a nice compromise between the infinite ammo of BF3 and the constant fucking off back to the pad that plagued BF2.

Hacks in the beta are everywhere today. Damage mods and through the walls.

Of course since these servers have no admins.

I always get one hit from regular rpg in the chopper :/

yea an rpg is a one hit kill always, been like that since bf2.. i was talking about locked on rockets form other enemy choppers.
Intel 3570K At Stock w/ Thermatake water 2.0 pro Liquid cooler
8GB Corsair Ram
Win7 64bit
26" Tv (1366x768)
Ultra/High mixed settings
FOV 90

Started playing today, So far, not what I expected. First few tries resulted in loading screen hangs, but then all is good. 1 server with lag, but the rest are ok. Playing at 1366x 768 at mixed ultra and high settings, running smooth with little to no stutter.

My cons, first I recognize that I need a 1080p monitor, which im saving up along with getting a better gpu, with that Out the way, I feel like bf4 just doesnt feel and looks as natural as bf3.

1. I dont like the soldier animations, the movements look unnatural and the suits look ridiculous.
2. Distance clarity from me to my enemy looks unnatural, bf3 is perfect.
3. The hit marker is kind of large, at least for that resolution.
4. Running feels like ur held back for a moment and not as fast as bf3.
5. I dont like when Im scrolling with the mouse to change weapons and it cycles continuously instead of stopping at the Knife point.
6. Already has people hacking... Battlelog / Log in

1. Very large map, lots of places to snipe.
2. Damage % (percent) indication done to enemy vehicles when you hit em.
3. in game Voip
4. A more exact Spotted enemies location given, for example it tells you if they are south/east/west or north of you.
5. Dual Sights
Edit: 6. Chat continues after the round is over...nice

Thats what I feel so far, I'll be playing more and more, but not exactly thrilled in any way...so far

Thanks 4 reading!
The nVidia beta drivers are crashing my computer, more and more regularly. Started out only crashed it once that night, then a couple times a night, then a few times a night, today six times and mostly when I wasn't even in game. I have uninstalled and reinstalled those drivers and I'm waiting to see if that makes a difference but I'm not optimistic. I think a lot of the people experiencing low FPS spikes are having the same problem and their gpu is offloading it's work to their cpu which is why I think my cpu is getting up to 81 degrees while gaming. I'm catching the error message at the bottom of my desktop for a few moments before the machine BSOD's and I can see it saying the graphics driver is not responding.
My knife is button three on my mouse and I have 7 or 8 kills so far. I don't get the counter thing yet. Does it always work? I went to knife someone that was knifing a teammate, he kills him, then countered and killed me. Didn't make sense, since I had the drop on him. Maybe my soldier is just a wuss and can't over power a counter move.
My knife is button three on my mouse and I have 7 or 8 kills so far. I don't get the counter thing yet. Does it always work? I went to knife someone that was knifing a teammate, he kills him, then countered and killed me. Didn't make sense, since I had the drop on him. Maybe my soldier is just a wuss and can't over power a counter move.

Counter knife is a particular from the front situation.
I love the Beta and the ideas it has, its great fun to play and Im excited for the final version. Its just tid bits here and there they need to fix, like frame rate and the slowness of gameplay but im sure this is all because of the Beta. I just cant wait for the actual release with more game modes and more maps and weopons, and hoping for a faster ranking system?:D
Another big part of the reason some are having fps issues is the fact that the game is running video billboards on and in every single building. There are actually televisions in the elevator. It's very cool but I think also very taxing on machines. I also love that you can accept or deny revives so you can't get goomba'd over and over. I like the counter knife but it seems stuck on hitting the defaultknife button and I knife by equipping my knife and hitting left click on my mouse which is useless for cpunterknifing.
Mac you have a better machine than me but worse performance. Not so sure I'd blame the fake videos half of which are patterns of repeating textures. I'd have to go in because I don't remember seeing any full video but I'm sure there was something. Playing the game equivalent of a gif isn't terribly taxing.

If the graphics driver is crashing which it isn't for me there is something larger at play.

BF4 is going to be higher on CPU usage than bf3 it makes last years CPU benches look like a joke. However BF4 actually makes use of the latest APIs to offload CPU work onto the GPU so its quite the opposite.

You really don't want that CPU at 80+ you might want to stop. Or check the thermal paste. Maybe override the fan speed. The game isn't going to heat the CPU anywhere near what a linpack burn test will if your at 80 on 40% a burn test would probably fry your CPU at this point.

Sent from my Galaxy S2 powered by CyanogenMod 10.2 (Android 4.3)
I love the Beta and the ideas it has, its great fun to play and Im excited for the final version. Its just tid bits here and there they need to fix, like frame rate and the slowness of gameplay but im sure this is all because of the Beta. I just cant wait for the actual release with more game modes and more maps and weopons, and hoping for a faster ranking system?:D
A faster ranking system? I hope its like bf2 where it takes 500 hours just to hit major
I'm actually liking it. I'm running a 4770K (no OC yet) and a 770 4GB at 1920 x 1080 (Ultra) and it runs smooth as hell. I pretty much just built a new computer last week for this and so far it seems like a good investment.
They fixed to knife somewhat; I knifed a whole belly-baby squad yesterday; 6 tags and no time to wait in-between knifes, BF3 I would have to wait sometime after the first.
About that RPG - I can take down a chopper in one shot, but firing it into an elevator full of enemy allows them all to come out and kill us with a few shots from a pistol, Really? I would have thought an explosion in a confined space would be devastating, but not with these armored elevator cars!
About that RPG - I can take down a chopper in one shot, but firing it into an elevator full of enemy allows them all to come out and kill us with a few shots from a pistol, Really? I would have thought an explosion in a confined space would be devastating, but not with these armored elevator cars!

Put an AT mine in front of the elevator and then use the RPG and nobody walks out of the elevatr. Oh, wait...we don't have access to AT mines. Damnit. You know that's what I'll be doing with elevator though :)
The effectiveness of a RPG depends on the warhead used. The most plentiful warheads out there are 40mm anti-tank and 80/87mm(not 100% on that number) anti-personnel. They modeled the anti-tank version to me it seems which explain why the splash damage is so shitty. I do wish the could model the Russian thermobaric warheads, that would take care of elevators full of enemies.
The Stinger needs some love...

I have routinely locked on, and launched all 5 missiles at the same chopper, each time the dumb thing does anywhere from 20-50 damage... but I have YET to actually down an aircraft. They just keep flying circles around the map as if nothing is going on.

I was super cheesed the other day when back to back missiles hit for 50 dmg... AND IT WAS STILL Flying. Then they used counter-measures against my 3rd and my 4th hit for 50 dmg. Still flying!

Either they need to improve lock on time, or rocket speed to target or something. Redonk.