Didn't know GUN had a thread on my vids..

ive seen it before. Yeah i heard what they said. 015

It says forum post no longer exists
lol those guys are big newbs man that shit is so easy... i meani myself have like 1100 hours in the gunship..... i should be able to do it right? come on 40000 kills. lol
they just banned pred other account killerkaren saying come back with your hacks turned off lol
nice job! i have the best time soloing. im not so good at fighting other gunships but im getting better. check out the kill at about 2:50, poor inf ate it. 4:57 isnt bad either. the slow points are sped up some but i treid to keep it one straight flight. i was on conquest that round, i know i dont fly the same as i do titan. i wanted to showcase mainly tank and walker kills. there are some moments i obviously ignore other gunships. there arent a lot of pilots on those servers that are real threats.


seach my youtube, ive got some of my early solo videos up. its about the only way i take out fast, soulzz, and GT. sometimes meat scares the hell out of me with his solo shots. most gunship to gunship kills are when one pilot is just floating around, but meat nails me on the move. sneaky sneaky.
Dude that sucks that they would even ATTEMPT to make that kind of list.. Stupid morons.
Hey Meat!


All GS Kills...


86-2 045
OH MY GOD YOU HACKER! YOU FUCKING HACKER! (Quote from M_Teal, may he burn in hell) :D
BTW, GUN is making a few enemies. Check out the shoutbox, theres a guy that signed up as Hacker and is threatening them. Kinda funny.
Just to clarify, the ban was put on Predator for using a hash generator, not his flying skills, and let me reitterate "skills". There is no doubt he is an awesome pilot. Pred and I chatted about the ban and he understood it was because of the use of a hash generator. His ban was later removed.

Incog, you played with us man. You sent us links to your TV'ing, of course we would post it, you were one of us. The reason we decided to not allow you in the clan wasn't because of your flying (which again you have great skill) it was because of your language and general bad manners in TS. If you like I can list your response to an email we sent you advising that you didn't get it. I believe it was along the lines of 'no worries guys, I guess I was sometimes a little too drunk, hope you'll still let me play the server, etc, etc'.

Look, I know in the FSF days you guys were seen by some people to be a little "too" good, but we've moved on. -=GUN=- is owned by myself and Frenchman. You'll not find a single thread in our site slating you guys. Yes people do talk about how do you solo tv, how do you get so many kills, but that's always going to happen. We have a few good pilots in our clan that can solo, including myself, so please don't feel that we have some sort of vendetta against anyone that can do it. We only ever ban for legit reasons. Hence the reason why Soulzz, MEAT, JIMMARTIN, incog, DEATHDEALER can all play our server. Hey it's great for us as we fly against some fantastic pilots and teaches us.

Anyway, I extend an invitation to you all to come by anytime, you're more than welcome.


P.S the hacker you are talking about in the shoutbox was me!!!!! April Fool! :)