Boston Marathon Bomb

Not only a soft target but unlike most Stadiums... this was and international target... both the Boston marathon and the NY marathon are attended by some of the worlds best runners.
Wow, i bet the conspirisists are eating this shit up!

who won the race? >.o (bad humour i know)
Bombs went off towards the end of the race. I believe the last runners were crossing the finish line when this happened. Not sure who won though.
"Obama says Boston bombings an act of terrorism." And the attack on the soldiers at Ft. Hood by an Islamist in contact with known terrorists is an incident of workplace violence? How does that work? I am sure this is all the fault of some video that made some out of shape person like me mad. You know, like in Benghazi. Which they still don't want to say was terrorism.
Did Obama come out and call it terrorism today? As of yesterday the President refused to call it terrorism, so did the congressmen from Assachusettes and the mayor and basically everyone on the left except surprisingly Diane Feinstein.
"Given what we now know about what took place, the FBI is investigating it as an act of terrorism. Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians it is an act of terror."
And common sense triumphs after an embarassingly long battle with ideology. Apparently they have large pieces of the bomb intact, another big boost to the investigation. The Chinese consulate is saying the third victim is a Chinese national in Boston on a student visa and that his family has requested his name be withheld.
WTF?!!!!!!!! Refused to call it terrorism/..????? WTF over....did he FORGET the definition of the word!!!!!!!!!!!!! As soon as that fucker is no longer my Commander i Chief, I got some words to say about him!
I already have idiots on my facebook crying government coverup

Not coverup, but that the government had a hand in it.
Yeah some Alex Jones knuckledragger was actually asking if it was a false flag at the press conference, idiots...
"Jones suggested that the FBI orchestrated the bombings under the false flag of a terrorist organization in order to justify expanded security powers. The Boston attack, he theorized, was staged by the U.S. government to extend the reach of both the Dept. of Homeland Security and Transportation Security Administration...While the FBI could "blame it on the Muslims," Jones predicted "they’re going to blame it on the Tea Party.” Jones is a character and has no love for the Obama administration or the government under his direction. I get a kick out of listening to him.
The Feds are starting to release more information today, basically everything I told you guys 2 days ago, low explosives, more than one attacker, ton of forensic from devices etc. They are now circulating photos of the two suspects carrying the devices, circulating where is the real question because they won't release the images publicly. I have to admit, they are doing a great job of making this look homegrown without releasing any evidence why. I am no fan of Jones (but sixer is right he's entertaining) but there is mething off with tthe way they are holding back certain evidence. It does seem like they are nurturing a particular narrative, but if this turns out to be more traditional terrorists there is going to be backlash from the right.
The one in London is this weekend. Also I'm hearing white male in his 30's and that the picture law enforcement has shows the suspects face clearly. Sounding more and more like it could be domestic or a John Walker Lindh type (by the way he will be released from his Indiana Federal Pen in 2019).
There's a marathon where I live (in Salt Lake) this Saturday. I wonder if attendance will be much lower than what would've been... that crap will make you think twice before going to a marathon now :-S, just puts a bad taste in your mouth.

Granted, it's nowhere near as big and famous as other marathons, so less of a target. But still.
Just watching news here. The american born douche living in Yemen (don't know the turds name too hard and long) asked "his followers in the U.S" to strike as a retaliation to drone strikes in pakistan and yemen. His announcement was fairly recent too.

Take with a grain of salt but that's what was said.
Like I said a couple days ago, this will be figured out by Friday, way to much evidence to work with.
I am sure they already know something. There is a reason why the press conference was cancelled or they don't want to spook the suspect(s)
The press conference was cancelled because some asshat called in a bomb threat to the venue. Pretty ballsy/stupid to call in a bomb threat to an ATF/FBI news conference. They being the two primary federal law enforcement agencies that would be investigating said brain fart.
In an effort to further baby the nation authorities have decided not to release the images of suspects/POI's. Luckily not everyone in law enforcement thinks we are children and have leaked many of the photos. The leaked photo of the two suspects yesterday were clearly not photo's of a caucasian at all. It is looking more and more like they are intentionally misleading the public on who is responsible or at the very least who they actually suspect. Here is one of the pictures of the two people they were looking at yesterday that were purported to be mid 30's caucasians.


The two men in the center of this picture were both carrying heavy black nylon bookbags but reportedly have been cleared since. That is not an easy pill to swallow given the alarming amount of intentional disinformation being disseminated by the Fed.


The FBI has video that it intends to release to the public that shows "suspects" at the marathon. Hopefully this is not more mealy mouthed dishonest BS from the Fed.