Boston Marathon Bomb

Said they found a third unexploded decive and should have it disposed of. It is looking more and more ugly....
Boston globe reported 100 injured, number keeps going up. And possibly a third bomb at the library

Fire from the library start from the mechanical room or something.
God damn workplace violence. I thought the more PC and ass kissing you were the less likely you were to be a target of workplace violence.
Moving to Aussie, my worst enemy lol jk and ive never seen anything like that, thats horrible!
It a huge soft target with lax and lazy security. Question is.... Why did it take them so long. Ok so I'm cynical jaded and emotionally dead. I do think it was cowardly and I'm sorry it happened. But truth is it didn't really surprise me.
If you're going for numbers, it'd be pretty easy to smuggle something into a stadium. Actually I don't know how easy it would be, but I'm most afraid of something happening when I'm at a stadium or a stadium-like event.
Listening to the "news" reports on TV makes me fucking sick. Talking about how this must be the act of mad men, like those that like guns and want to protect the second amendment.. Sick pieces of shit.

I pray for all in Boston.
I heard about this in a meeting today. I was hoping it was an underground natural gas explosion or something, but it seems to be far more sinister in nature. With how many people attend the marathon it's a miracle that more people were not killed and injured....
3 dead 144 wounded so far, seriously graphic pictures of blast amputations all over yahoo/google images. The marathon was probably targeted because it's a large high population soft target, stadiums are actually pretty hardened nowadays but a 26 mile long target of public roadways is about as soft as it gets and the finish line is attended by thousands. I'm glad they didn't use a powerful bomb, the aftermath actually looks like they were using low explosives. 3 undetonated devices have been recovered so they will know what type of explosive was used. If they used C4 (this was NOT C4) they will be able to trace it by the marking agent that all C4 is manufactured with by law. I would guess they used flash powder, it's almost as powerful as a high explosive and it's the easiest explosive to manufacture and the two ingredients can be purchased readily. Flash powder has a very bright flash though when it is ignited as the aluminum burns up so probably not flash powder. You can see where the finish line bomb was detonated in the photos, it left a burn on the ground but did almost no damage to the sidewalk so low explosives are the most likely culprit or possibly a very small ammonium nitrate device. The smoke and flame color looked very similar to an ammonium nitrate detonation. I'm guessing they have almost everything figured out by Friday, finding the 3 undetonated devices is a major break in the investigation. It's unlikely 5 devices were planted by a single person which should also make it more likely they get to the bottom of this.