BF1 Analysis so far, Post here your thoughts

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The sand storm syncing from client side, so not every player has it :D WTF ?
Fkin beautiful :D
The guns are lame. The sniper rifles are useless. The Horse can kill a jeep?? I cant wait for BF5....

It sucks i have to wait another 2 years for something fun.
Loaded into the game and I have no weapons, reconnect spawn, and no weapons not even a knife so I can't really tell how the game play is because I quit after 5 mins
Loaded into the game and I have no weapons, reconnect spawn, and no weapons not even a knife so I can't really tell how the game play is because I quit after 5 mins
I had that happen once...just waited a couple of minutes and all was well. I've had the same thing happen in bf4.

It might be a gpu driver problem.
^ or map and attributes loading into memory first time
Loaded into the game and I have no weapons, reconnect spawn, and no weapons not even a knife so I can't really tell how the game play is because I quit after 5 mins
HEAD BUTT the little fuckers
I like it and will probably pick up the basic version (if we're allowed to run our own servers). I've had a couple of problems with the Beta though; the game will sometimes crash and I can't kill it in Task Manager, forcing me to restart the system. Joined a server and had no weapons, however this has been "fixed" (go to the Battlefield site and save your loadouts for each class). Game looks incredible though at 1080p (60Hz) 30-40 FPS on high even with a R7 260x.
Loaded into the game and I have no weapons, reconnect spawn, and no weapons not even a knife so I can't really tell how the game play is because I quit after 5 mins

@Matt(FAST) - Go to the Battlefield site, Career, Loadouts and manually equip each weapon that's available (to you) for each class. This fixed it for me.
I decided to not play the beta anymore until the game is released. I am buying the game, but holding off on premium. It is hard to judge the game based on 1 map and a "BETA VERSION". If you have looked into it, DICE has already said they are nerfing a bunch of things people already figured out to exploit. The biggest issue I have had is with the new Conquest system & player spawns.

The new conquest system was put into the game so people would PTFO. What they didn't realize is people are going to just flag run to lvl up. There is no penalty for dying. This also makes the medic class worthless. The way conquest has been works. I haven't read anything confirming it officially, but there is already talk of putting the old conquest system back in instead of the new one.

The player spawn in the beta is ridiculous. People have already figured out where the spawns are all at. I have been subject of this being exploited by being killed by snipers 9 spawns in a row. The F flag to me seems way to far from the other spawns. Yes it is cool having to run through the open desert, but there is nothing to use for cover. Typically in a desert you can find a cactus or sage brush to use for cover.

I will still buy BF1 regardless if we can rent servers or not. 90% of people will be playing BF1 instead of BF4. BF4 will slowly die off after the BF1 release. The 10% of people thinking BF4 will stay alive as long as BF1 is released are living in a fantasy world. Pretty much the only ones playing BF3 are hackers now. With BF4 only costing 5 bucks, it is starting to see more and more hackers daily.
If there are no dedicated servers{i.e. TBG) then this game will suck. You already see the foul mouthed racists calling folks crap that needs not be repeated.Clans are needed to police servers or this game will be total anarchy from trolls, racists and hackers.
Last day to try the Beta folks! They just uploaded a new update to the game with some fix. Not sure what those fix are but it will be interesting to see that tonight.
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