windows 8(.1)


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Apparently bf4 runs way better on win 8 than 7??

I guess they might be playing a dirty game here ;)
Anyway I think since I got my new build going here I might as well get the latest OS too.

Anyone here planning to upgrade their OS?
Im gonna fix your thread title 8.1 came out today :p

Since I have yet to buy a copy of 7 and while I really wanted to and hang on to it forever and ever. I am gonna pick up a full retail 8.1 for the 119 bucks it costs at the end of the year here. I am sure I can deal with it and if the performance gains with future titles are worth it than it will be worth it. I will miss my aero though. I HATE when 7 is not in full transparent mode.
A number of people saw performance improvements in the beta using windows 8 rather than 7.

I think part of this is because Windows 8 utilizes Multiple cores better as well as DX11 or something like that. I'm sure rain can fill in the exact details (too lazy, and distracted at work - installing Win 8.1 on my laptop).
Downloading 8.1 as I type this. For 8 users, go to the Windows store and it's the first thing.
Downloading 8.1 as I type this. For 8 users, go to the Windows store and it's the first thing.

Yeah...I finally found it. So silly that they put it in the store instead of windows update....yay fragmentation!
Yeah, switched to Win 8 earlier, will be downloading the 8.1 tonight when I get home. It's definitely smoother on...everything. No microstutters in game (don't know if that's the Win8 driver or the OS) but the game play was smoother and the FPS a little faster than Win7 too. And as a bonus, is tosses your salad on the weekends.

Oh, sorry. I was thinking of Soulzz at the end there, didn't mean to ramble.
Downloading 8.1 as I type this. For 8 users, go to the Windows store and it's the first thing.

Bullshit! I went to Windows store, clicked the link that says update to Win8.1 from Win8 and get an error saying "we can't find that page. In little print on the bottom it says "try again in a little while." WTF?
Does windows 8 still look like how it does on a smart phone or did they make it how win 7 is ?
Hmmmm. So a few things:

1. 40 mins for me from the beginning of the download until now, final boot to the desktop.
2. Rig restarted around 5 or 6 times, LITERALLY got the message "Doing some more things" during the install
3. Find your password for your Outlook account that you set up Win 8 with...that is, if when you first installed Win 8 and did the 'create email to retrieve my favorite goat porn photos from Microsoft Cloud Storage" thing. You cannot continue until you complete this option, and for me, it texted a code to my phone to continue. The only time I used this username/password for Win 8 was during the install on release day...took me about 10 tries.
4. Start button....get it out of your head that it is the same as the 'old' start button. Left click takes you to the Metro screen, but right click gives you more options than before, such as the ability to shut down/sign out, power options, etc. If you've had Win 8 for a bit, you already know Win key + X is your best friend, so this should be familiar. Right click (or Win key + X) now gives you the most common selections from the control panel, very handy.
5. Boot to desktop with 8.1
6. Bypass login (same as 8, just in case you didn't know from before)
7. Some light reading
8. Native 3d printing support! For all of us that have 3d printers, obviously...? lol
9. More start screen and start button options
Bullshit! I went to Windows store, clicked the link that says update to Win8.1 from Win8 and get an error saying "we can't find that page. In little print on the bottom it says "try again in a little while." WTF?

Server overload maybe? Dunno, that's where I got it Sixy :(
Does windows 8 still look like how it does on a smart phone or did they make it how win 7 is ?

I know you can get an app that makes it "look" like win7.....

I cant stand fucking 8....I hate it with a passion! but ireckon I am going to have to get used to the smartphone/PC meshing as that seems to be where the technology is going.

I unfortunately will be upgrading on my new machine to 8.1....or whatever version they have out when I get home and purchase my OS
I know you can get an app that makes it "look" like win7.....

I cant stand fucking 8....I hate it with a passion! but ireckon I am going to have to get used to the smartphone/PC meshing as that seems to be where the technology is going.

I unfortunately will be upgrading on my new machine to 8.1....or whatever version they have out when I get home and purchase my OS

I really like 8 on my Yoga 13 (touchscreen laptop that folds backwards into a tablet) but it does nothing for me on my gaming desktop. I use stardocks "start8" that gives me a full Win 7 experience with all the benefits of win 8 (start up speed, gaming improvements, etc).

Windows 8 start menu returns with Start8 from Stardock!
Werd, I am going to use that app doc...

You know fredrick fucking cheaupan?
So, should I take this risk? My shit is working after the install of a new SSD.
So, should I take this risk? My shit is working after the install of a new SSD.

If your rig is stable and you're happy with it, absolutely. I did a disk cleanup, etc. prior to just 'cause. If nothing else make a new shadow copy/restore point (system properties->system protection) just in case. Treat it like a service pack :)