Update: o


Registered User
Jan 3, 2008
So yah i finally got off the fuckin towers and gates here. When we arrived they dissolved the PSD(Private Security Detail) because the guy we were supposed to guard was no longer going outside the wire. So they had no job for us to do. Sucked BALLS. We were all expecting to off ourselves as we had night shift. 8 hours staring out into darkness every single night will get to ya; o But now im part of a police mentoring teaming with the rest of my original PSD sans 1(who we are workin on now) We help teach the afghani police how to be police.

Anyhow, just thought id say whats up. I'd still whoop all your asses in the gunship any day of the week; ) And dont forget that! :D
Great to hear from ya man :) Glad all is well. Hope to hear from you again soon ;)
yo motherbitch whats up. Too bad that game didnt work. Im not even going to bother uploading the other since it gave you an error :(