TBG and community gallery


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
If I could get you guys to upload your pics and give me a link to them using photobucket or imageshack, I can add you guys to the new image gallery Im working on. You can also give me little info like first name, town, occupation, famous quote/line, whatever works.

Obviously you dont have to participate but it would be nice to put a face to the name. Make us one big online family, who's with me, who is bloody with me.....okay I will stop bye! 006 :D 030 lolz
i show u my bright shining face lol
nice kio, i want you in my bed now 011 009 017 013 030 :doggy 055 042
Kio is that a picture of you trying to hack the CIA? LOOOOOOOOOOOOL! j/k j/k j/k :D
It's me pwnzing n00bs on bf with my h4x, I have on my lucky sock.
It's $1, maybe if you had glasses as powerful and with x-ray vision like mine you would see it.
It's $1, maybe if you had glasses as powerful and with x-ray vision like mine you would see it.
You mean those clogs have X-ray vision? What is this world coming to. 001 021
Not only do i keep my pens in my two front shirt pockets but I also keep them in a protective casing to protect the ball points from getting lint on them, which reduces the life of the pen.
Sooo.. what your saying is your Bill Gates.. ahahahaha!