[poll] What's the most annoying thing that happened to you in Battlefield 2142?

I would say that I hate stupid players more than hackers.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have any love for hackers either, but hackers,who are stupid in their own right, can be banned, etc. But you have to deal with stupid players and they totally fuck up your game plan. Using gunships as transports, hording up on the tower at 3 and never taking the silo, commanders not doing anything - shit like this burns me up way more than hackers.
Hate to say it, but 1/2 the time I don't realizers hackers are present -- stupid players are hard to miss!
Stupid players come first beacaus theres a lot more of them!!! l;akdjflkajkfjaskjfaksdkjf;dlka;lkfj;d;asd
definitly hate stupid players more for all the reasons stated above, they will always be there to annoy you they are omnipresent
Definately the stupids,

Ron White said it best, you can fix fat and ugly but you can't fix stupid.

If there was a correlation between a players rank to their tactical understanding, team play, and common sense there would be a shit load of privates. It really baffles me how stupid people are in game when me and roth play I don't think there is one round we go with out commenting on something in game or laugh our asses off in vent
Definately the stupids,

Ron White said it best, you can fix fat and ugly but you can't fix stupid.

If there was a correlation between a players rank to their tactical understanding, team play, and common sense there would be a shit load of privates. It really baffles me how stupid people are in game when me and roth play I don't think there is one round we go with out commenting on something in game or laugh our asses off in vent

I think that's how ARMA 2 is.. the higher your rank, the more you can do in the game. If your a private, you hardly get in vehicles, if your higher ranked, you have much access to the game as you have earned it.
I would say the stupids also, although sometimes I feel that I am being one too. Maybe it is that I am in an unresponsive squad, or the squadleader doesn't listen, or whatever. I have found that I will leave the squad and join up with who is helping if that is the case.
having a server crash when I'm doing really well and kicking ass.
I would say the stupids also, although sometimes I feel that I am being one too. Maybe it is that I am in an unresponsive squad, or the squadleader doesn't listen, or whatever. I have found that I will leave the squad and join up with who is helping if that is the case.

lol, no no you are not a stupid, Stupids are people who have no basic soldiering skills what so ever and have no idea what is flying around them through space and time, for example, driving an APC strait into motion mines instead of STOPPING!!, or not reviving someone until the guy that killed them is DEAD!!!! thats the kind of stupid shit im talking about.

don't worry about flying stuff, that takes an entire library of understanding to do successfully, and you and I both know the feeling you get when waiting on the titan deck for a GS and see a whole flock of idiots hop into an Air trans to only dispatch themselves in a fiery crash leaving a big Ol char mark on the desert floor about 32 seconds after take off.
Don't you loathe spawning in a transport that you think is flying to a silo and they bail as you spawn, resulting in your death. Oh, and they don't revive you either.
Most annoying: The glitchers - inside building, pod surfers, let alone aimbotters etc.

Less annoying but still very: The stupids - no reviving when standing on top of you as a medic while you're screaming at them, no supplies when support, bailing out of transports, bailing out of gunships, etc.
Hey Fast, I think you must mean Balls, I think he is wielding the biggest Pilum on the 'net! Scares me just to see him on the other team.
taking a transport from the titan to the nearest silo..........POD for crist sake.
HAHHAHAHAH balls is right!
Right at the start of the game - someone will always go to the nearest silo with the transport and park it and help take the silo instead of pushing forward and taking other silos while the rest of the guys that podded there are doing just fine! I always hit Q and "forward" "go go go" "move it" "forward" "go go go" "move it" "move it" "move it" "move it"
and they dont go... until the silo is taken