[poll] BF Bad Comany 2(poll)

Don't give in NAZGUL, you will be disappointed in MW2.
i'm getting it someday, first i need to build a pc to do it justice though

I played it on my HP laptop P4 w/ Ati X600; I think your biggest problem is you ISP. Do you know what you are paying for? For about a month I had some real bad service, after a dozen of pissed off I wanna talk to your supervisor calls and 3 emails w/ trace routes, I have my service where it needed to be. Like yourself I am limited to one ISP, so I feel your pain.
Balls is right. If you are consistently complaining, eventually someone will come through and help you out. It's a bitch, but it works.
amd turion 64 x2 and 2.0/core gforce 8400m 2 gigs ram win vista 32 bit you sure that will run it?
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Well I got mine pre-ordered now. Would have been nice if I hadn't spent the $20 on Shattered Horizons.
Unless there's some kind of incentive (except the lame-ass 4 instant unlocks which I'll earn quickly anyway), I don't see what the point of preordering is...

I think I'll wait until I can find a deal on it, if the beta/demo are good... lulz.

I've never paid the full $50 for a game, and in principle I try not pay more than $35 if I can help it.
i'd rather pay full for this game which should truly support pc, than pay full for mw2
Maybe those who pre-ordered will be the only ones who get in on the beta :0 what then Heatsurge? I know it will be a good addition to my collection. Even if I hate spending $50 on a game.
i'd rather pay full for this game which should truly support pc, than pay full for mw2

Um... how about pay nothing for mw2? It's not like it's either this or that.

I'm not even considering buying mw2, except in the distant future when it's $10 or something lol...

As far as beta only for preorderers, they can go suck a dick if that's the case...
There's probably going to be a Fileplanet beta, which I am a proud subscriber of :).
I think the fileplanet subscription is a complete waste of money. Everything they do, Steam seems to do better and for free.
I'm a subscriber for the beta's mainly. To each their own; I think it's worth the money.
anyone know when the beta is officially coming out?, I preorderd too, so I can't wait for this thing to comeout.
hey balls that 20 bucks that you save, go by yourself a big dildo *cough* pilum LMFAO!