New kill streak record

Only yours though. I'll take my 106, 107 and 109 over your 111 any day of the week you sexy beast.
blah... doesn't beat my 62 and 0 i was about to have... i say would have had because I would have had 62+/0 if the fucking servers didn't crash all the time!
Am I starting to detect a little kill streak envy here? Mine is bigger! No mine is! Mine would be if ... God I love this game and the camaraderie everyone has. Everyone does enjoy the sucess of others here.
Fuck you guys. Mine's bigger than all of yours-and I'll prove it with pictures! lolz fucky
Now Sixer, that is the sort of "Can do, I'll show you mine" kind of attitude we like around here.
i will eat you both. And then will eventually shit you out. Oh yes i got my hockey stick with me. I'll break it over your head too ;)
And your become favorite pieces of shit.

What is a Noob?
Noob is an alternate spelling of “x=Fast=x,†which refers to an inexperienced person, particularly in the gaming community but also in other online venues. Noob can be used in a friendly, teasing manner, such as one experienced gamer saying to another, “You played that like a noob,†or in a derogatory fashion as a general insult. Other spelling variations include “fasty,†“n00b†(using zeros), and “nub.†Generally, the further from “noob†one gets in spelling variation, the greater the intended insult.

The easiest way to spot a noob is by lack of skill or unfamiliarity with venue protocols. Every online arena has its own netiquette, whether it’s Internet Relay Chat (IRC), USENET Newsgroups, the World Wide Web (WWW), a virtual world such as Second Life, or a competitive game room. General rules or guidelines make the arena more fun for everyone, and breaking them cluelessly can result in being called a noob or being flamed (verbally attacked).

Luckily, most online venues feature areas for newbies to gather where they can learn about the venue before venturing into the fray. IRC features chat rooms specifically for newbies where experienced users answer questions. A noob can find newbie newsgroups in USENET, and Web forums generally have terms and use policies posted that suffice. In the gaming world a noob can have a little harder time at first, but it might help to realize that everyone started out as a noob at some point.

Though we have come to think of noob as originating online, the U.S. Army used the term “newbie†during the Vietnam War (1959-1975) to refer to newly arriving soldiers in the field. Another military term, “Non-Useful Body (N.U.B.)†referred to submarine sailors that had not yet ganed enough experience to be especially helpful in a crisis. “Newbie†became popular again in the 1980s as dial-up bulletin boards flourished, along with private content providerslike Prodigy, America Online (AOL) and CompuServe.
Hi there TBG :)

As some might actually remember me and Mr Reaperassault (now 16th in world with Transport) occasionally visit your server to let out our Roflcopter drive.

This Screenshot was taken on Easter Sunday:


Best part was a Doragon ramming us in the Butt. But we survived with 2 Health and 1 guy repairing lolz

edited for pic size (messed up forum view)-roth
Hi there TBG :)

As some might actually remember me and Mr Reaperassault (now 16th in world with Transport) occasionally visit your server to let out our Roflcopter drive.

This Screenshot was taken on Easter Sunday:


Best part was a Doragon ramming us in the Butt. But we survived with 2 Health and 1 guy repairing lolz

Yep, I was there that was ridiculous. The funny thing is not one person made hackusations and I was very surprised.
If that guy got the kill streak in the transport... someone should get props in the gunship! I'm sure soldier was keeping the enemy gunships from fucking you guys up... LOL
I remember the day I got roth 112 kills in the transport.. GUNBOAT FTW!!!
gunboat ftw!!1

this is just one night on GUN server, i cant find the rest of the pics on my server :(


ive got more somewhere. i found the pic of falcon and I with a doragon in the core, and the time i squished someone and got knife tags for it