Need a break


Feb 17, 2009
Hey guys I need to take some time away from BF and the forums for the next two weeks.

I have one of the most challenging hurdles to overcome in flight school, and I really need to devote as much attention as physically possible so I can do well. The op tempo at this stage of flight school doesnt give me enough time during the day to have TBG and study to the level I need to pass my check-ride,

Ill see you guys in 2 weeks.

<3 Lex
Lex its a critical moment in your training my friend .. keep your focus and trust in yourself you will do great. See you when you get back!!!
Best of luck and don't shoot them until their shields fail!
When you get back I get your ass first =)

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I came back just in time to be a day late...

So, please allow me to be the first to welcome you back!