Boston Marathon Bomb

In the newly releases photos two suspects are shown carrying the bombs and then without the bombs. One of those suspects is the man in the white hat of my previous picture. He placed the second bomb by the mailbox on the curb. These Fucking twats have had these photos circulating among law enforcement since Tuesday and all the while allowing the left wing media to point the finger at white conservative groups. Fucking disgusting. What last tiny shred of credibility this administration had left is gone now. Fucking racist cunts.
I will link the new photos when I get home, they have these two on video, and they are only releasing video stills it seems, luckily i have that nice clear pic of terrorist number two. It is the guy on the white hat to the right of the guy in the blue coat.
it's scary. hesitant to get on planes or watch movies, now even schools and marathons.

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Police have engaged 3 suspects that are believed to be involved in or the actual perpetrators of the bombing. One MIT campus police officer is dead, a second officer has been badly wounded, one suspect is in custody, one suspect is dead and "Suspect #2" which is the guy in the white hat in the picture I posted above yesterday is at large. There was a gunfight, a car chase, explosive devices all over the place and currently the person who placed bomb number two is on the loose in Watertown, Ma which is about 5 miles or so from where he attacked the marathon. This will be all over today, someone said this would be figured out by Friday back at the beginning of the thread... This all started at MIT where there was a gunfight with the campus police which ended with the death of the officer and the theft of his weapon then they carjacked a Mercedes SUV and led police on a chase for about 5 miles to Watertown, during the chase they were hurling explosive devices out the window at pursuing officers. Fucking insanity the descriptions that are coming in of what happened. They are now saying the MIT officer who was killed may have been off duty and approached the two at the gas station where they killed him and carjacked that Mercedes.
Here's some detailed info the local scanner and a map of the events.
From what I know the suspects were caught trying to bomb MIT, they killed the officer there and then carjacked someone and went on a chase which ended in a shootout and one dead officer the second suspect escaped and is currently being looked for. map of events
Boston Police, Fire and EMS Scanner - Boston, MA - Listen Online Police scanner refresh page to make it work and this is the official fbi video of the suspects at the marathon video of the shootout

The two suspects are believed to be brothers possibly from Chechnya. The brother who is presumably still alive and in hiding in Watertown, MA is Dzhokhar A Tsarnaev. Currently a huge chunk of the town is under lockdown, all public roadways are closed, mass transit is shut down. The city has requested that all citizens of Boston stay in their homes and lock their doors, and they have asked all businesses to remain closed for the day. Officers are going door to door to clear every house in the locked down area of Watertown. The brother who was killed died from multiple gunshot wounds and apparent blast damage.
my friend lives in Boston area, they have pretty much shut the entire city down
I just heard something on the scanner about him posting online "I will kill all of you as you have killed my brother"

Could be a fake account. If it is, you better believe the police will have fun coming down on whomever it was.
Whoops brain still asleep. Meant to say grenades . How do you get that many grenades ?? Can you buy grenades in the states just like that?

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You can buy grenades but not "just like that". They are difficult to obtain as you need a special kind of license.

"In the US, for example, grenades are generally illegal. However, it is possible to obtain an NFA Destructive Device permit which would allow for the possession of grenades by a private party. Such permits aren't particularly common, but they do exist. "

He either got them illegally, or he made them himself. Being Chechen and poorly integrated into American society, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew people that could get stuff for him.
There is also a black market for anything. Larger than most would think.

So apparently the younger brother ran over his older brother after he was dead trying to get away from police. Not that I care but really ugly stuff.

The aunt who lives in Toronto said on TV just now its not them, the authorities are making it up and setting them up. She has yet to see the proof. And to top this farce she proclaims that she is a great lawyer too. Lol so um who was shooting then and who was killed for exchanging gunfire with police? Geeeeee!/news/b77090e467589475eafa25e311c04e6c/boston-marathon-explosions-show-us-the-evidence-says-toronto-aunt-of-bombing-suspects

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He is in custody. Apparently after the police lifted the lockdown some lady noticed there was blood on her shed and boat so she called the cops. Cops came and possibly saw him sticking his head out from under the boat tarp. Gunfire was exchanged and he was eventually convinced to turn himself in. He is in surgery now for his gunshot wounds and injuries. Apparently he is on pretty bad shape.
A piece of eyewitness testimony for what its worth. A man who lives in Watertown had his front yard turn into the ok corral told his story earlier today to Opie and Anthony. He described how he was woken up to gunfire and ran to his front window and saw the police and the two brothers shooting it out from the cover of their vehicles (the brothers were hiding behind the Mercedes SUV they earmarked). He said during the gunfight that the police yelled out to eachother that they (brothers) had long guns. Then one of the brothers threw a grenade like device and several others some of which did not blow up and one of the cops yelled that "there's live ordnance in the street" to his fellow officers. While this was going on the younger brother had moved to the neighbors yard and was engaging other officers there and lobbing devices at the officers which put shrapnel into his neighbors house. At this point his brother was shot and went down. The younger brother got back in the vehicle and took off leaving his brother in the street. The officers then approached his brother smacked him in the face with the mag lite and told him to quit Fucking moving, they pointed their weapons at his face and told him if he didn't quit moving they were going to blow his Fucking head off. It was at this point in time that the younger brother came tearing down the streeet at a very high rate of speed trying to run the officers down. They got out of the way just in time but the older brother was not so lucky. He ran his brother over and left his mangled body twitching on the street. The younger brother continued in his vehicle until the witness could no longer see him anymore. A police officer was wounded during this shootout which took place at roughly 2am in Watertown. Crazy eyewitness account that the media isn't carrying, thought i would shar.