
Butter Cup

Registered User
Nov 14, 2009
Bought it today,hope to sell it tomorrow,its ok,not my thing, for one I run fine for a few mins then lag up for about 5-6 secs,my systems up to snuff. Game play is well so so,hard to follow on what to do,spend to much time looking for peeps to shoot then actually playing.
awww, I know what you mean, its a lot different from call of duty thats for sure. You just need to get used to it. Give it some time :D
whats wrong? You need a better GFX card? or somethin? whats your connection speed?
Bought it today,hope to sell it tomorrow,its ok,not my thing, for one I run fine for a few mins then lag up for about 5-6 secs,my systems up to snuff. Game play is well so so,hard to follow on what to do,spend to much time looking for peeps to shoot then actually playing.
Have you tried playing on one of our servers? Have you lowered your settings? Updated your drivers?
settings are rock bottom, and yes I was on our server, maybe a new vid card in the future have a 9400 now which is good for my work and with BC2 set on low it should be ok ,updated the drivers today,connections no issue,i ping 40-50 on the wow server...oh well
What, you don't like Call of Battlefield? The game plays fine on my system but I really can't stand it.
ya 9400 GT probably not the best for bc2 thats probably why. I had the same problem you are currently experiencing. My old rig it would freeze, slow, crash all sorts. Most annoying part when i was in a gun fight and my computer freezes for 3 seconds most frustrating shit ever. :*(
yea butter dont give up on it yet. its alot different than CoD. you need to use more tactics. you arent gonna be pulling 70-100 kills per game either. maybe 10-20 average if your decent. 1-2 if your soulzz. try out a Rush server. they are alot of fun and more straight forward. you are either attacking the objectives or defending them. enemies are alot easier to find because if they arent within a few seconds of the objective they are gonna lose it.
What, you don't like Call of Battlefield? The game plays fine on my system but I really can't stand it.

Agreed, it's cute and all, but it aint 2142 that's for sure. Knifing is a joke in BC2 at least in 2142 you have to stick and move and break the "fire pattern", BC2 you can aim straight at the fucker and still get knifed....ghay.
Agreed, it's cute and all, but it aint 2142 that's for sure. Knifing is a joke in BC2 at least in 2142 you have to stick and move and break the "fire pattern", BC2 you can aim straight at the fucker and still get knifed....ghay.
It's all we've got until another game comes out, namely BF3. I have a huge problem with the server crashing, which has been minimal as of late, and the stupid server browser. Other then that, the game play is great. Yes, it is very linear compared to 2142, yes, it has the 'perks' system, yes it has many things like Call of Duty, but it's still feels much like Battlefield.
The fact that I unload a full automatic weapon clip on some guy and he shoots me 4 times with a pistol and he wins makes me rage. I know you'll say play hardcore but I shouldn't have too. Another $50 I wasted on a game I can't stand.
I will be getting it this week for Jimmy3X's birthday. Of course I will have to make a soldier and ensure the game works properly on his 'puter, since mine won't run it. I hope I enjoy it, but I am still a 2142 fan. I also know that everyone will be leveled up and dominating in BC2

Besides, with everyone playing BC2 I can move up in the stats - #72 in a transport now, only 6 spots behind Balls and 34 from Anti-Matter. Woo Hoo!
The biggest thing is that you get a vid card that can run it; BC2 is all about working as a squad, if you have a bad squad or team it really sucks and gets real frustrating. Like the start of any game its hard to walk in and start owning; get to know the map squeeze points & getting the right kit makes a world of difference. By far this is one game that I'm starting to like besides; I had the same opinion in the start, kinda like the Angry German Kid

I agree Soldier the pistols are just plain stupid;
I agree that the pistols are way overpowered and I miss having the knife out and the fights that ensue, but I do like the game the more I play it. With a few unlocks and knowledge the play gets much more enjoyable. Squad play is critical and getting like minded people in a squad -- such as a squad devoted to armor and keeping it alive, or taking a point or defending it. When I first played 2142 I did not like it but with a little experience I came to loathe BF2. Now BC2 is not perfect and is a much different game than 2142 but the interactive environment and multitude of ways to achieve a goal keep play moving and discourage some of the ridiculous camping that annoyed me in 2142. Yes rush can be full of strangle points, but it forces better team work.

I agree that it is a frustrating game at first, but give it some time and some people that communicate well.
Yeah, and don't expect to get insta-kills. Soldier is partially correct about the weapons. So far, from what I've read, they've decreased the hit damage of assault weapons by 25% across the board. But with the weapon upgrades, which increase firepower, range, accuracy, it's not a problem. This is a different game so don't expect to come in and own it without learning it first.
Well I'll keep it for a bit and see

P.S Everyone of the graphics in my sig are made by me....:)
Butter Cup, be sure to join us in a squad when we're in BC2. It's a lot better with squad mates to help you out and explain things to you since this is a new game for you.

See how you feel about if after you get a better feel for it and a better idea of how it plays. We'd love to have you join us!