Window's 7 or 8?


Registered User
Nov 29, 2013
I am getting a new ssd for my rig and a new HD for my fiance's computer.
Which OS should I go with ? Window's 7or 8 You all know I will be using my rig for gaming .
My Fiance's computer will be used to do alot of office based word programming for her nursing classes.
If you like flashy UI's with killer performance, 8.1. If you want what most are used to, 7.
Exactly; although I got my wife to upgrade to Win 8.1 and she uses her PC primarily for work and some personal photo editing. She loves Win8.1 because everything runs smoother and she read up about the changes before we proceeded. It all depends though, so if your wife is comfortable with change I'd say 8.1 all the way but if not then stick with Win 7.
if you are tech savvy then windows 8.1, if you want something your familiar but not want the latest support for your ssd or current generation of tech then windows 7.
8.1 FTW. BF4 runs great on it what else can you ask for.:)
8.1 - no issues on BF4 /

7 = crap load of issues

I tweaked the shit out of 8.1 - and got a proper start menu / got rid of the stupid tiles etc etc - love it.
Thanks Guys I think I'll grab a copy of 8.1 put it on her computer see how I like it then try it on mine.
BF4 runs marginally better on 8/8.1 vs 7 as can be seen in the testing done over at HardOcp

Outside of gaming, i.e. web browsing, email, image/video rendering...etc the overall experience is more "snappy" with Win8/8.1 due to the DirectX improvements.

I still use Win7, but will probably make the jump to Win8.1 shortly. Of course I will tweak the piss out of it to make it look more like Win7 in the process. :)
Windows 8.1 for SURE. Its the newest one, will get the most updates and tweaks which is very important, and is a simple download away from looking just like windows 7 removing the annoying screen. There isn't even a decision here.
stardocks start 8. $5. best investment you can make on a Windows 8 desktop.

Sent via Tapatalk carrier pigeon
8.1 for me right now. It works pretty well so far. I wonder what they will hit us with for Windows 9. It is supposed to hit the streets next year.
One last question guys , I want to put the OS on 2 or 3 computers .
Should I buy OEM , or retail version of Windows 8.1?
And Regular or Pro?
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You should buy it for 15 bucks off ! Go nuts grab VS, Office 2013 and Windows like i did for 45!