Who butched up the buttons?


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Are we over compensating for something? lolz Seriously, I just noticed they're different.
I was trying something out. Someone had complained about the buttons so I designed them so average joe morron can figure out to click on the the words.
Really? You have to click on the words??? WTF?! And here' I've been uselessly clicking on the buttons for ages. Now I'm pissed. Why didn't somebody tell me this sooner?
Just somebody trying to act smart; but thank god he said something because I've been stuck on the homepage for 4mths.
Yeah - somebody recently commented on the buttons not working... granted all it takes is a second click to figure out the text is where the link is... sheesh... sorry you guys. I should put a notice at the top of the homepage in big yellow letters huh?
Would you? An while you're at it, could you tell me why we don't have the forward and back buttons on our site I'm so fond of? I mean, other sites have them. Frequently, I get stuck on one page since I can't go forward or back, or I'll just type in the address and start over. That's a lot of work. :fisting
what forward and backwards button? we have forward and back buttons?
"Who butched up the buttons?" What the buttons look like lesbians to you?
No, they were just buttons before, now they look decidedly masculine with the "screws" in them. Only a guy would screw a button since most guys will screw anything. Hence, butch buttons. 073
*caughs* well sorry for not reading in depth in ur code to notice that the buttons were to change depending on the user.
I can live the screws in the home page buttons but the banner you see when you join one of the servers to game are boring in my opinion and need to be changed.
its boring???

i was so proud of making an easy to read cool ass banner... maybe we can work on something later. but this sticks for now.
in game banner is a ingame banner. I dont think its an emergency. Unless everyone wants it changed.
Try and add some gun shots or something for us CJ, lets see some of that creative talent you have.
Poor CJ. I post here to bust his chops about another post and the changes he made and all I did was make more work for him 056

Edited: Note to everyone but CJ-I wasn't serious about anything on the site needing to be changed; except maybe to de-masculinize the buttons again-kidding, I'm just kidding! 075
heres my creative input for the loading banner:

Dude! That's the best yet. Did you use Adobe for that? It should definitely be our new banner. Good job! 027
Roth, I like your banner better than the current TBG server banner! Seriously, I do! LOL
Looks like you made it with an Etch-a-sketch (or was that called Etch-n-Sketch? -- before
y'alls time anyway, so it doesn't matter)