Where did you get your name from?


Registered User
Mar 23, 2011
I got mine from listening/liking dark jungle, drum n bass. I also use to step to it by doing 2 step walks. Where'd you get yours?
Doak is my last name, Doaker just came about
Trigger is another one of my alias that came about from the mini series banned of brothers where tab names the dog trigger
outlawtrigger is my xbox gt, just randomly generated because some one took trigger.
Tried to come up with one that struck fear and cowardice in the face of my enemies. Also, Deadpool was taken :(
ummm well I used to play by Predator on medal of honor spearhead, but I wanted a unique name that no one has :D and I used to use nibbleMEnobbies, but that's a bit gay so I change to tasteypotato for some reason :)
My last name's Train.
Satis is short for Satisfaction Guaranteed, which was the motto on the back of a t shirt we used to wear out drinking.

The motto on the front was Face Down Arse Up.
FAST - cause i am like a 14 year old in bed....

o no wait it is FUCK AND SUCK TITTIES...

my bad

It really means Forever and Solemnly True. :eek:) And i got that shit tatted on my arm cause that's how I roll!
Mine i actually came up with when i was 8 for aim lol. It was a combo of my first and last name. BRIan and the first 5 of my last name and it was supposed to be bri-kloss. However in bf2 my clan would just call me brik and it sort of slowly changed to brik-loss which literally makes no fing sense but i like it more. I dont even respond to bri-kloss anymore and dont like the way brik sounds better tbh.
Silly dreams I guess. I have been wrenching as long as I have had a license. Same issue with my computers is if I don't do the work I cant afford to own it. Always wanted to start my own business a shop seemed natural. Area I lived in they were a dime a dozen. Never more than a mile from a performance shop of some specialization.

Name was changed from SuicideMotorWorks to RainMotorsports after my best friend her nickname was rain.

I dunno been running around with the name for almost a decade and have used it on everything. Cant really see myself changing it.
My original name on the internet was Josh1985... Pretty typical name for someone unfamiliar with the workings of the internet.
My second name Frit0z was given to me by a good friend of mine about 14 or 15 years ago now. He died in a car accident and since then I have used this name in remembrance of him.
I also go by Kamikazepil0tz. That one was because of a 2d space game called Continuum. I decided to use that name only if i could keep my KD above 1:1. What good is a kamikaze pilot of he cant take at least 1 person out with him.
"The Electric Acid Kool Aid Test".. a book about Ken Kessey and The Merry Pranksters.. I've had this name since 1989 when I first got involved with the internet. Pranxtor@almosteveryemailaddress. The 11 because it's my lucky number.
I used to fly an airplane called a Zlin 242L

I flew that particular airplane as well
the one in the background is the one i did my solo flight in
Back in my Counter Strike 1.3 days, i used to have the name InSOmnIaC. Used to be able to do some badass shit with an AWP(sniper rifle). Would take the lead on a rush and snipe people from 2 feet away lol. But I used to get accused of Aim Botting so often, one day I said screw it and changed my name to BOT #00001 v3.7 as a sarcastic "screw you" and would change the version any time I felt I was getting better. I was inspired by the old school POD Bots.
The name Guerrillero? It's the name soulz gave me cause I would randmomly attack his anus in a quick but unpredictable manner.
Norm is my middle name 66 year born and i like Norm off cheers.
+ fifa WCG tourney "this is where the X came from" = chivoX
My favorite comic book hero is Superman, and my favorite car is the Toyota Supra..
I thought about having my handle as Supraman, but thought it was as gay as the name Soulzz, so I stuck with Supra.
This is what my car can do!
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