Welcome to our newest Head Admin - MacN8r


Registered User
Oct 15, 2008
Everyone please congratulate Mac on his promotion to Head Admin. Mac is about as devoted a person you will find in the -|TBG|- community. A need was seen for another admin with a strong BF2 presence and Mac was the ideal candidate due to his dedication and laid back nature. Welcome to the "upper management" brother!
Congratulations Mac, the promotion was overdue!

I am happy for you. Fair, humble and a sense of humor, you rock!
Congrats, now I have someone else to pester for background checks on players. :)
no he gave bj for the job
good one for getting the job and u where brave because of what u had to do for it
No more 2124 for you sir, you have been banished to B2! j/k
Congrats, soulzz should be showing up any minute for the congratulatory Jerk Off Session!
Did some 2142 last night and I still love that game. It was great to do a few rounds with Samson and Duke. Unfortunately, I had the BSOD when I alt-tabbed and dropped out before Sonar got in.