Ultrastats down?


Registered User
Dec 21, 2009
I have not been able to access the ultrastats here for the last couple of days. Is it down or something?
We know This We Are Still Working On The site Not Fully Done Thanks
Ok i have no idea if I'm the only one with this problem. I can see the ultrastats site and go to the site. I see that it has been updated but i see no stats. Am i doing somehting wrong here?
no you are right, i'll ask gunslinger to redo it. Not sure what went wrong here. Sry we'll get it up asap :)
so all my 5000+ kills are now gone? I checked the stats and they are accumulating, but only for the last couple days? Oh well. Guess I just have to pwn some more and get back up on that list.
Corky, we need to reset the UltraStats every 30 days, roughly. The bigger the file gets, the harder it is to keep the server lag free. :).
It is now set to run at 1:00 AM every day. Enjoy, folks!
i think clearing it up is a good thing. Gives players chance to start fresh. I want to get first with nade kills. :D

Love it when i toss a nade at someone chest or head and they die from impact :D
Corky, we need to reset the UltraStats every 30 days, roughly. The bigger the file gets, the harder it is to keep the server lag free. :).

It has been more lag-free lately. Thanks for that. It has helped my game quite a bit :asdasd:
Ya noticed that too. Gunslinger sure knows his stuff :)

Don't wanna jinx it either, time will tell but right now i don't see the one second freezes due to ultrastats! :D
Ya noticed that too. Gunslinger sure knows his stuff :)

Don't wanna jinx it either, time will tell but right now i don't see the one second freezes due to ultrastats! :D

Yeah, now that the lag is fixed we have to deal with the all the crazies swiping knives at their teammates to say hi. You really throw me off. I start whirling around every time you do that :D