TBG cheat o meter

server error 500 is the bfbc2s server being overloaded and timing out. i have no control over that in anyway.
added a BC2 cheat detector search bar on the main site.

Middle right.

Most likely getting a new domain for this as seed is also working on getting on a custom admin rcon app for various games, bf3 cheat detector all on one site.

Oh please love seed and badaang longtime with your big fat pussy lips for their work.
its in the works some what, we are trying to come up with a good number or percentage to use. thinking 20%. need to review a lot of player before we can confirm a good number. that number may still be high but it should insure a positive result and not get any false positive added to the list.
ok this should be the last time i update this web tool for a while.
things done.

changed the bar graph to something different.
Seed, does it pick up anomalies other than high HS %? One of the things we saw when looking up some asses was the dial a head shot aimbot -- you would see their headshot% vary no more than 1% across all weapons.
I seen a guy like that today. I thought his game play was fishy, but when I looked him up all the weapons had a head shot percentage in the thirties. I had never seen that before until today. Nothing lower than 32 and nothing higher than 39.
Yeah, we had a couple of PB bans for guys that would not stand out other than the perfectly consistent HS %. There usually is nothing glaring, just something fishy, and a bunch got caught in a PB update. Just some thought that that might be worth a flag in the overall formula.
would need to review 3 to 5 player that show this trend. and it could be review and added. so no i am not tracking that.
a small list of player would be very help in trending this.

also if they are above or showing as RED/ugly they will most likely be added to the wall
here is something i think need to change. some of the shot guns can score higher, i believe its from the shell rounds with multi project titles. don't think this person would be on wall other wise. but looking at his KDR in kits i not sure i want to remove him but have seen this with a lot of other players with just that trade so i feel i still need to raise the infraction level.
Seed, I will see if I can find a few guys that fit the bill. On a grammatical note, it reads "has a 1% chance of being a ugly." Either the "a" needs to be dropped or switched to an "an."
awesome job seed but what box we running the site on? its pretty slow at loading
as its being tested its running from my personal box. so yes it might be slow sometimes. cant stop downing all my fasty porn.
added pbbans look up and punksbusted look up's, looks up'sthe player returns all related players bans. icons with links to take you to the bans. i should be able to pull geoip look up's the players from the new merged data.