Starting a Gunship Ladder!


Registered User
Jan 4, 2008
So I was talking to my AIR Squad Leader and such. I know ya'll have a ton of pilots, and TG has some pilots. So we were wondering if yall wanted to do a Ladders.

The way it works is basically we will just challenge eachother or set a schedual to fly. We can do either 2v2 or 4v4. I know yall have to people to make a Gunship team, and TG an probally get 2 or 3 teams. Be easier teams wise on 2v2 so.

Just keep in contact with me with what yall think about this.

Also, I need the Ventrilo Password.
TBG is actually going to do a league, not sure if you saw the link with our old layout, just waiting for our publisher EGL to release it to us. 2vs2 gunship ladder and 12 vs 12 titan will be first on our list
Okay thanks. I'll let TG know but hopefully soon cause we will have a few teams who would love for it to open up. If it opens up get a hold or me or go sign up on our website& Post somewhere in the 2142 section alright?
okay great =) Now if we do it how BFCL works, WE use eachothers servers. Like my AIR Squad has its own Server we practice on, so does just about every other In House Squad so. Not sure if you thought of that yet.
i'm also sure we will be looking for admins to help run it. Will be putting rules together as well. One of them will be that you will need your scrim server to be streamed and we need to check to make sure that is true and many rules on how points are awarded..blah blah. Again there might a good chance that we are looking for moderators. Hope you speak to your crew about it. It wont just be us, it will be for everyone to use, just any other league but we will keep a close relationship with other communities by doing this league ;)

i forgot, soulzz will send you the vent info if he hasn't already.
You don't have to be a member of TBG to join any of the ladders. All you have to do is register on the ladder website, once it is created :).