Reporting Admin abuse

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Registered User
Dec 23, 2013
Got kicked tonight 2/15/2014 @ 11:52PM EST by a TBG admin for "high" ping. My ping is generally between 25-40ms on the domination server, so this is clear bullshit. I assume this was either a grudge kick or pissed that I had killed him. I at least want to know the real reason since my ping wasn't too high. I assume it's retaliation for the thread I made about allowing high pings to play on this server, which really, it's kind of silly.
Hmm if it didnt state the name of the person who kicked you it was probally an auto kick for a shit ping.
If it was ping, it is possible that it spiked for a short period of time and you were kicked because of it.
this will be looked into but all its takes it your ping to jump to 400 once.
i saw SgtDeadRed or w/e spike to 447* a couple times tonight, but he suffered no such autokick. But hey, all is good.
The limit is set at 250 but you have to go over for a certain amount of time. While mine may have spiked for a brief moment it didn't go over the time limit. However I have been kicked from my own server for the same reason as you. It happens, what can I tell you.

So exactly how is that admin abuse? Your ping spikes over the time limit and you cry "admin abuse"..... Blame you ISP like I do or the auto admin.
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Admins dont kick for high ping. That's a script. No admin abuse so ease up on the accusation.
The limit is set at 250 but you have to go over for a certain amount of time. While mine may have spiked for a brief moment it didn't go over the time limit. However I have been kicked from my own server for the same reason as you. It happens, what can I tell you.

So exactly how is that admin abuse? Your ping spikes over the time limit and you cry "admin abuse"..... Blame you ISP like I do or the auto admin.

A calm, rational, correct answer does nothing to serve this person's ego. He obviously is onto us about our top secret meeting to kick him and only him if he killed an admin and blame it on ping (or some post he made? wtf lol), then celebrate with fine bourbon and cigars afterwards, slapping each other on the back for a job well done. Because, you know, no way that his ping hit long enough for him to get kicked for it, WE HAVE TO BE OUT TO GET HIM, YOU SEE.
Goose, we got killed lots of time last night in the server by lots of people, and a lot more times by players other than you. After you got kicked you came back and asked why you were kicked, I told you we did not kick anyone, then you said it had the high ping message, I told you that was an auto message if your ping went too high. To that point it was a civil conversation, but instead of saying ok and moving on you claimed that no one is ever kicked from our server for ping and that we kicked you because you killed a couple of us with mortars (I would like to point out that your team lost that round by 300 tickets on a 500 ticket map). You then continued to mouth off about us kicking you because you killed us, something you did not do often because you were busy camping someplace while we were running around trying to take flags and win the game. One time when I came across you and another teammate hiding behind a couple of boxes I ran in shooting, taking full advantage of my 200 round clip. Did you die quietly? No, you mouthed off about whether I had any rounds left. You left at the end of that round but had to throw in a comment about how we should keep kicking people that kill us.

With all that out there let me say this: if you cannot fathom that your magnificent ping may have spiked long enough to trigger an auto script that is set to a ping of 250 then perhaps you need to rethink on line gaming. Second, I tolerated your mouth last night but if you come into our servers and waste my time again by mouthing off you will be removed from them. You are welcome to enjoy the servers we pay for as long as you do not continue the attitude you showed last night; not everything that occurs to you is nefarious in origin.
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You know what, I did not take the time to pull any chat logs because I thought I saw what you were doing. Apparently I did not. The following is just about you and ping and was pulled by one of our members; I think you might have an obsession and your attitude toward your fellow players is unacceptable.

[04:43:17] greedy_goose > fuckin laggers
[05:10:29] greedy_goose > of course, lagger gets me
[06:11:00] greedy_goose > shit ping fag
[06:50:09] greedy_goose > whoa lagf
[07:43:46] greedy_goose > fuck ur ping fag
[07:54:56] greedy_goose > caballeria, nice lag homo
[07:55:30] greedy_goose > fuck brazil
[07:55:34] greedy_goose > play in ur own country
[08:24:29] greedy_goose > wow that japan ping ...
[08:24:34] greedy_goose > gtfo
[10:35:02] greedy_goose > fuck off
[10:35:17] greedy_goose > foreigners dont get revives
[10:35:25] greedy_goose > if ure over 100 ping, u stay dead
[16:23:05] greedy_goose > fuckin hate laggers
[16:42:25] greedy_goose > srock u lag
[10:35:15] greedy_goose > holy shit pings
[10:35:18] greedy_goose > ahahha, just noticed
[10:35:22] greedy_goose > all the foreigners are on
[11:25:23] greedy_goose > 300 ping .. fuck off kid
[08:58:40] greedy_goose > u like that u lagging cunt ?
[09:38:23] greedy_goose > nice lag rocket
[09:45:40] greedy_goose > please boot the high pings, there are local pings in queue
[10:04:15] greedy_goose > 184 ping ....
[10:04:17] greedy_goose > fuck off
[12:00:30] greedy_goose > back to romania with that ping
[14:16:33] greedy_goose > 1 ping
[14:16:35] greedy_goose > ok ...
[20:17:35] greedy_goose > wokka u laggy fag

My personal favorite:

[11:22:13] greedy_goose > stop the whinning
[11:22:14] greedy_goose > please

Like I said before, check the attitude or be removed from our servers.
And I just read everything you have written in the server for the last two weeks. You are rude and disrespectful to many players on the server, but at the same time show knowledge of plugins and auto scripts and how they work, which makes this whole exercise even more baffling.
And I just read everything you have written in the server for the last two weeks. You are rude and disrespectful to many players on the server, but at the same time show knowledge of plugins and auto scripts and how they work, which makes this whole exercise even more baffling.
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