Question: What's going on with the TBG rush server on BF4?


Registered User
Jan 21, 2019
Hi everyone, thanks again for hosting such a great server - BF4 is an older title, and the community is still alive and well thanks to communities like this. This is the only active rush server left in BF4 in the US, and I'd hate to see the game mode die or migrate elsewhere since the player base here is strong, and many of the regulars currently/plan to donate.

I play regularly on the rush server, and have been noticing since late december, the server will sporadically seed itself to [20] - preventing players from actually being able to enter, even though the server is completely empty.

So the battlelog display will read: 64/64 [20] even though the server is empty. Since [20] is the max number of people that can be in queue, no one is able to get in line. I'm familiar with seeding, just curious if this is normal. Thanks again.
I cant say, nothing we can do to prevent it. Eventually they move on.

i think i have a idea BUT i do not know if it will work.....what i was thinking was maybe you could start cataloging the IP addresses hitting the servers...IF the IP address makes say 20 requests in under say a minute then the IP could be banned.....BUT i dont know if the servers logs IP's and i dont know if banning said IP's would keep them from making the request to join on the server.....i was stoned on hash at 3am, had a brain fart and thought of this....with the servers being rented and not directly under your control i dont know if this could be done BUT we were able to do things like this back in the old days when people hosted servers at home....i remember helping a friend set up a router to kick out selected IP's to stop overloads of requests like this

again just a idea i wanted to put out there.....fucking love the rush server and dont want to see it go.....