Proposal for a new Social/Gamer postbit plugin. Let me know what you think.


Mar 6, 2011
The first plugin came out just about how I imagined it in the first place. However after the first short coming I am ready to just evolve it into something else.

The steam field is a fail because not everyone has a custom url and thats how I set it up for /id/ some people have /profile/ and just the standard id numbers. It also sucks having to put in a display name manually. Instead of that going to use the steam API and pull names down and while were at it BF3/BF4 stats api as well.

Images of proposal:

Idea with the social icons is they self adjust depending on how many you have entered. Most of the icons come from the Font-Awesome library which was created for use with twitters bootstrap library. Between that and official colors hopefully that will make the companies happy should I ever release it.

The BF stats would probably be update once a day. Not sure how often we can/should poll the steam API but it would probably update every 15 minutes and as above if online display the time we checked that status.

Let me know if you think its good bad stupid whatever. It would be on the mid February schedule. I would like to do the PBSS viewer before this.

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dude this will be my favorite plugin on the website. I love these little postbits shit which is why our old site was spammed with it lol
Sounds great. The mock ups look real classy.