[poll] TBG Scrimage with AOD


Registered User
Sep 25, 2009
Hey guys, I was told by a member (Soldier4Real on our forums) that you would be interested in a fun scrimage against AOD.

So far I have 10 interested people on my side for the scrim.

So what I would like to accomplish is setting a date and a mode of battle.

I was thinking possibly Saturday the 17th of October. We have a scrim scheduled for October 4th already.

I look forward to playing with you guys and having a fun time! You can xfire me at dragl and or get a hold of me on the aod forums. IP: ... Port: 4484 ... Public Password: integrity
Yeah man I was wondering what happened to you guys. Killa said you would be in contact with me. We can do anything you desire preferably 10 v 10 or more. We can do Conquest or Titan or both. I know Killa told me you guys prefer Conquest so I put out a feeler and we could do that. We are more of a Titan oriented clan but we can ground pound as well.
I would suggest maybe the first scrim with conquest then follow up with a titan scrim.
Yeah, we like to play titan a lot, so I guess everyone will vote for that. I personally don't mind infantry either, but it will be a far greater challenge for us...
I would suggest maybe the first scrim with conquest then follow up with a titan scrim.
I agree with balls2dawall, maybe conquest first and then titan. It might be hard to get enough people on at once for a worth while titan for us.

Sorry about leaving you in the dark for so long man. I work 8 am to 6 pm every day with an hour commute.
Since we have that settled kinda, we should pick the date.

I had suggested the 17th of October. Ideas guys?
That's a Saturday, which is great! How about 7:30 PM EST on Saturday - I think that would be great :).
That sounds like a good time. I am CST and 6:30 wouldn't be bad for me.

So 7:30pm EST on October 17th 2009 for conquest. We can set a date for titan that night or over the next few weeks.
I just realized that time falls directly during our weekly practice. Any chance for the same time on that sunday the 18th? Or maybe a bit later or earlier that same day? Practices only run an hour. (To tell you the truth I don't know the time cause the guy never posted the damn thing...however when I said saturday he said not to put it at the same time as practice...would be nice to know.)
Sunday as long as it's early, like 7:30 PM EST.
@ Spacey - Bringeth it on :p

@ MacN8r - lol

@ Soulz - Then sunday the 18th at 7:30 eastern. Sounds good to me. I will wait for a response here from you before posting this to my clan's forums.
That works out great Drac. Our guys will make room in their schedules for it. Thanks!
Alrighty man. Posted the details pertaining to a date and time on my end.

Possible Maps?
I'd say Tunis and Shuhia Taiba or Sidi Power Plant.