LOLing at MW2 IW NET


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Well its true they should of stuck with dedicated servers! Their IW servers are apparently very laggy and poorly made! Can it get any worse??

So is bad, and obviously if you host a server from your own pc and you pretty much dont have fiber optic you are shit out of luck. But sweet for the guy hosting it though ;)


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Wow, that's terrible game play. IW go fuck yourselves ;).
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Hey you can see our server there for a sec in the game browser Hardcore TDM -|TBG|- Yay for adverts! (light blue and green)

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Yeah I learned my lesson the hard way..

Like spending 60 fuckin dollars on a game I wont play.
No mod support isn't necessarily the end of a game. The general public certainly doesn't play &quot;ProMod&quot; versions of the game, and if you look at games like 2142 - we happily played it very competitively for nearly 3 years without any &quot;ProMods&quot; or anything like that. Also, it does have mod support but it's so shitty that no quality product has been released, and probably never will be. Nevertheless, the game itself (except the fucking problems which everyone knows about) is really good.

The big turd that IW shitted is the lack of dedicated servers though. Small Co-op games like borderlands or others of similar nature might be fine without dedicated, however when you get a versus competitive game - in my opinion it can not live long on PC without dedicated servers.
I hope everyone demands a refund for shitty QOS and IW goes bankrupt.
There was a ProMod put out in the US for 2142 but it never caught on. ClanMod is huge in Europe for competitive players, basically all serious competition in Europe is done on ClanMod.
Well, COD6 is now the most played game on Steam, even above Counter-Strike: Source.

Fuck my life.

I wonder if it's going to last - that's the big question I guess.
It won't last. Not with the lag issues I've been reading and hearing about. People are probably stoked because they played it on their roommate's PS3 or whatever and they are going to quickly see how terrible the IWnet idea really is. People are eventually going to get tired of the lag and other bullshit and the game will sit in their steam account unplayed.

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I would really like to know how many of those 90k are playing on pirated copies.
I'm not sure about the store statistics, but playing pirated games usually doesn't register on steam - at least on the profile page. You usually have to own the game on your account for it to register.

If all of those are legal, there must be even more playing, considering piracy...
Well people are successfully unlocking IW's code. Heres a first look at what people are doing with their own dedicated servers for MW2. Scary that this is still ranked through IWnet. LuLz

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What the flying fuck lulz... low gravity and infinite nades and still ranked? Reverse-engineered dedicated servers?


Well, if they decide to officially support dedicated servers and raise the player cap to 32, I might consider getting it.

Don't think it's going to happen though.

It's available from shady places at $35 right now, legal (asian/russian versions).
Player cap 32. Dedicated servers. Mod support. Count me in. until then, I will continue to boycott the game.
doesen't even look like it had destructable terrain, fail

although that modded server looks like a lot of fun
someone cracked the game! Check out the dedicated server lulz @ Infinity Ward! I wonder if they will or can do anything about it

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Um... Fritoz posted that video 2 posts above? :-D

I don't care for mod support btw... and destructible terrain and buildings are overrated imo.

I'm very wary of the implementation in BC2, because previous games which have tried to do destructible buildings/terrain have been... far less than polished (i.e. red faction).

It's very, very difficult to pull that kind of stuff off, and hopefully Dice has pulled it off reasonably well. Can't really tell from the videos imo.
Games stop is Giving an automatic $40 trade in for your MW2 if traded in by Dec 13th. &quot;Trade in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 by December 13 for a guaranteed $40 trade-in credit&quot; Just bring the E-Mail coupon and the game.
:D i went to Gamestop today to buy Assassins Creed 2 and asked the guy &quot;Why is there no PC versions of modern warfare 2 out?&quot; He said &quot;We have them but keep them in back because they dont sell. We only sold about 3 copies since release&quot; He wasnt a pc gamer at all but one of his friends told him how bad he screwed pc gamers.