Infantry Only Maps.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2014
Hey guys.. I was just wondering, is it at all possible to change up the map rotation a bit? .. Maybe even add some China Rising or Second assault maps into the rotation.. Just curious.

China rising might be okay, but second assault would kill a bit of they playerbase, including me.
I didnt find the China Rising maps to be that fun. Hoping the Naval Strike will be pretty good but not holding my breath. I find myself always playing the Metro style maps.
I personally enjoy playing on the infantry only server but I was thinking it might be a change of pace every once in a while to play some different maps.. as far as I'm concerned anything but Metro would be good.. Do the maps come as they did in bf3 , meaning different sizes?
I like the infantry only server as well, but i can't stand how there is more sniping going on then a shooting competition. I get so annoyed of hearing ping ping ping that I just usually leave.
there has always been way too many snipers/lonewolfs in the series. Though the team that gets assraped like 4 games in a row is 89% because.....welll.......... 89% of the team is sniping.

I dont mind listening to DMR cracks, because most people use DMRs with classes OTHER than recon, and chances are, they are within 120metres(more than close enough to kill with anything but a pistol/shotty)
Hey guys, I really do appreciate you taking my request and putting it to action by modifying the map rotation.. Thanks for that.. I don't want to push my luck or seem unappreciative but would it be possible to make the huge maps 32 player maps? it seems as the china maps are absolutely ginormous with the 64 player maps.. Is that possible?? if not my suggestion may be to just keep Gillin peaks, and ditch the other china maps.. they are ridiculously big for infantry only.. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.. See you on the battlefield
I have the smallest version of conquest in there not the 64 size. So can't get any smaller than that.
Thanks for your hardwork FAST.. I was hearing a lot of guys complain about the maps.. So I guess you use your own judgement and do what you think is best for the server.. Some of the guys suggested alternating the big maps with the close quarter urban maps.. other said just get rid of them.. I personally think that the only one that isn't a pain is Gillen peaks.. I think in my opinion that the only way the other 3 china maps would be ok is if you added dirtbikes and jeeps/dpv etc.. but ultimately its your decision.. Thanks again for everything
Any chance of either switching Locker back to 5 flags or adding it to the rotation.. (I'd have no problem playing it twice in a map rotation)
Any chance of either switching Locker back to 5 flags or adding it to the rotation.. (I'd have no problem playing it twice in a map rotation)
Thanks for input TANK. Give us a chance to get ssome more input on making bigger, or adding 5CPs along with the map there now.
I thought at first playing the Desert Map would totally blow, but if you move smart and stick to cliffs and rocks it isn't so bad. Fuck the snipers. Best part is in there face with a Heavy and watching them panic. :D

I have played the naval maps on other servers and found them to be pretty good. Again a lot of open space, but if you stick to the hills and various cover the snipers aren't so bad. Just got to play smart.
I thought at first playing the Desert Map would totally blow, but if you move smart and stick to cliffs and rocks it isn't so bad. Fuck the snipers. Best part is in there face with a Heavy and watching them panic. :D

I have played the naval maps on other servers and found them to be pretty good. Again a lot of open space, but if you stick to the hills and various cover the snipers aren't so bad. Just got to play smart.
How long is the swim? Is it going to be worth it?
I was on a 48 man server and the swims were not to bad, however 64 I have not played. I know one map was a huge island and had hills, trees, and lagoons.
WAVEbreaker is the sub base one. Once each team gets there, I think combat would be good.
quite a few people are requesting DT maps in the rotation.....try to tell them the server dies during off hours.