Im really liking this show.


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
So as most of you know I am a huge terminator fan going back since I was errrrr....... 8 I believe.

They put a new TV show called Terminator: The sarah chronicles which airs every Monday at 9:00PM on FOX!

Its not fancy scmanzy but anything related to the movies and idea, I enjoy. Always weird seeing the girl as the protector but anyways it works I guess!
Nice action scene too. If you are into the banging and booming. This is for you!.

Now they have Pilot and episode2 online, if you can find them. I just download it, you know how and watch it over again like that. But I live in a different country which they dont bitch torrents so Im good. But yeah thought Id share it with you fools! So WATCH IT DAMMIT! 004 002 016 :D 029 032
Sounds interesting, I'll have to take a look. Would you say its more Action then Sci-Fi or is it both?
the whole idea is sci fi, well it is a possibility that this could happen in a few years from now, like have cyborgs and stuff of computers but um for the most part its just action tv show
I'll have to check it out. Thanks again for the heads up :) BTW is that 9:00 P.M. Eastern time or Pacific time?
oh I forgot many of you are west coasters lol pansies :p

its at 9 PM eastern so I think that makes you 6 pm