Have a major issue

IRA Commando

Registered User
May 21, 2011
I have been playing in your server for a few weeks, just recently started to get to know more about your servers and your clan. BUT enough is enough. Today i was in your server and faced off against a enemy on the map where the MEC has the TV station, the enemy was coldsteel87 who pulls out of his ass a 1 shot kill from 300 yards away with the 92f pistol. i brought it to attention to admins and he was kicked. he then comes back and starts trash talking me ever since and i'm sick of it. i asked for him to be kick/banned for this crap and Badaang just sits there. No i'm not lagging either so i dont want to hear anyone say that. i would like something done about this. this is on your battlefield 2 server with all maps.
how about you take a footage of him? Go on his team press X close the map (it will pop up) after you are done with footage upload it on xfire or youtube. One of our members already asked if he was clean. According to PBBANS, GGC, PSB he is clean meaning he has no cheating priors. I haven't seen an extremely high KDR while on the server so he can't be banned for that either.

We take cheating very seriously but we like to see any sort of evidence. We had people in the past complain and whine about good players so we have to make sure.
If you think that he is cheating, then use FRAPS or XFire and video him. I think it is possible that Badaaang was involved in a firefight or may have been afk during the second incident you mentioned. I would let him address that and ask that you do not jump to conclusions.

Upon initial investigation, coldsteel87 is clean at PBBans. He does have a high accuracy rate of 26.31%, but does quite a bit of aviator/heli work with a high k/d in them. You may make a post under the "Players to watch out for" section http://www.tbgclan.com/f28/how-report-us-please-read-4204/

You may also consider that Coldsteel's shot may have been one of may that hit you from several sources and he got credit for the kill (kind of like when you damage someone and one of your teammates poaches the kill).

I will allow Badaaang to address your specific concern, but I would wager that he was unavailable at the time. I have gamed with him for quite awhile and he takes his admin duties seriously. I can honestly say that if I am in the heat of battle, I don't read the scrolling text, I am too busy trying to keep my ass alive.
Damn, Fast really is fast! I was composing a nice, concise reply and he beats me to the punch. ;)
I was aware of this issue and posted in the shout box about him. =FAST= stated that he's a clean player. I highly doubt that he's a legit player (imho) from the way that the players were complaining about him stacking kills. I wasn't able to ban coldsteel187 due to the fact that 2 other admins stated that he's a legit player. He stated earlier that he went by another players name which I cannot remember. I asked badaang about this...He also said that he's clean. Nothing I can do unless I get proof of this hack to place a ban.
I was aware of this issue and posted in the shout box about him. =FAST= stated that he's a clean player. I highly doubt that he's a legit player (imho) from the way that the players were complaining about him stacking kills. I wasn't able to ban coldsteel187 due to the fact that 2 other admins stated that he's a legit player. He stated earlier that he went by another players name which I cannot remember. I asked badaang about this...He also said that he's clean. Nothing I can do unless I get proof of this hack to place a ban.

No worries, I did not say without a doubt he is clean. I was not in the server obviously. But I can only give what I have in front of me. He had no prior cheating violations (probably what Badaang was looking at also). If there was/is an abundant ridiculous amount of complaints, you could issue a ban and ask him to appeal on the website. He could then post a video of himself or something similar.
i looked him up as well at the same time fast did but he posted first. i check his bc2 players name on a cheat o meter. i also found another clan thread about him cheating and they have BR footage on him but most the clans member agreed his was not.
if i am here next time he is on i can spec him/film him if need be.

Seed found a video of his alternate character so i will add him to the banlist manually
I understand the topic has been close, but just to answer, since I was pointed.....
I played against him and in the same team. He had incredible shots, but "legal' as far as I can see. He played like a real good player but nothing too much.....
I spectate him for a minimum of 20 min (that is f* long) and didn't found any suspicious move. They were nothing on PBBans, not even a banned linked GUID.
So they were no evidence. I didn't banned him.
But Thanks to seed for deeper search. I guess he manage his hack to not appear incredibly good.

At the same time IRA Commando, flooding the chat with whining and insult about his mother- father and whole family is not a good way to attract my attention on anybody but YOU.
You mention him, and I was already checking him. In future, to bring an issue, an easy way to talk with us is to create a squad and invite us in. We can use the VoIP to talk without flooding the chat....OR of course open a thread as you did, but flooding the chat doesn't help, as we missed half of them, and it is annoying for other players.

Enjoy playing on our servers..
Thank you, Badaaang. You were on it, as I would have guessed.

@IRA Commando - please note that we prefer to have definitive proof prior to banning. That is not always possible at the spur of the moment, even with spectating and research on PBBans or other anticheat sites. Some things require more indepth research than can be accomplished during a round.
I forgot to update this. Horseman elite (aka coldsteel87) was not found confirmed a cheater on that site after all if you read further.

Iron Sharpens Iron Online Outreach, Inc. • View topic - Calling out an ISI hacker

But the other horseman elite with the funky L was a confirmed cheater. (the one that has the xfire video) The guy was probably spoofing the real horseman elite. Therefore is alternate character, Coldsteel87 ban was lifted. If you could provide a footage in the future we can always re-instate it.
