Good news this morning: Karkand server is top 10!


Oct 16, 2010
Seems that the "ban assault" on ass-hats, clowns and haxors is working.

I played this week-end and all I saw was clean fun all around. Not a single issue or a single suspect player. Lot's of high caliber players too.

What a difference 2 weeks make. Thanks to all who worked hard to clean the server up.

Seems like the days of overtime banning are over!
Awesome. I was in for a bit yesterday and didn't see anything except a guy who roofed with c4. I gave him a kick, not a ban so I think he caught the point.
i kicked 4 guys today for high roofing and 1 eventually got a ban because he saw me kicking them and still did it.
I'm sure you will be a great admin too mega
Ive been in for a couple of days and only banned 1 person for high roofing been enjoying the game again