Comedy Central Scoops Network News on Climate-Gate Scandal


May 5, 2008
Comedy Central Scoops Network News on Climate-Gate Scandal.
By Diane Macedo

ABC didn't cover it. CBS didn't either. And NBC apparently wouldn't go near it.

So the network news broadcasts, by ignoring a growing scandal over evidence of a potential climate cover-up, were scooped by the fake news at Comedy Central.

"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" produced its "reporting" on Climate-gate Tuesday night, when Stewart quipped, “Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!â€Â

Stewart described leaked e-mails from Britain's University of East Anglia, including one referring to a researcher's "trick" to "hide the decline" in some temperature readings in recent decades.

"It's just scientist-speak for using a standard statistical technique  recalibrating data – in order to trick you," Stewart said sarcastically.

Nearly two weeks since news broke of the e-mail scandal, climate change skeptics have gloated; a leading climate scientist has resigned; at least one U.S. lawmaker has called for an investigation, and countless prominent news outlets have deemed the story worthy of major reporting.

Still, according to a report Wednesday morning by the conservative Media Research Center, "none of the broadcast network weekday morning and evening news shows addressed Climate-Gate or the incriminating Jones development. ... This marked 12 days since the information was first uncovered that they have ignored this global scandal."

The Business & Media Institute had just as much trouble finding the networks' Climate-gate coverage.

"An examination of morning and evening news programs on ABC, CBS and NBC since Nov. 20 yielded zero mentions of the scandal, even in the Nov. 25 reports about Obama going to Copenhagen to discuss the need for emissions reductions," the Institute reported Wednesday.
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But during that time, the Institute says, "the networks reported on pro-golfer Tiger Woods' 'minor' car accident at least 37 times. They also found time to report on an orphaned Moose and the meal selection at the president’s State Dinner."

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacted to the findings saying, "To pretend this story simply doesn’t exist is damning to journalism."

That left Stewart to fill the void -- with analysis of the comedic variety.

The comedian mocked the scientists for discarding the raw data used to formulate the adjusted temperature data that much of the scientific community agrees confirms global warming is occurring.

"Why would you throw out raw data from the '80s? I still have Penthouses from the '70s!" he joked.

View the video of Jon Stewart here:
Of course the media likes to report the true bullshit that we tend not to care about.
Right with you Boon, it's all about control, money, and power. The leaked emails just prove the whole thing is bullshit and their computer models were bogus.
I could have told you that from the beginning : /. The Earth is tilting and that is what causes it..... hence hotter summers in some places and cooler ones elsewhere.
See, a bunch of gamers solved the issue without any government grants or anything.
It's amazing how SIMPLE this whole solution is, ain't it!!! :D.
SIMPLE is always the solution. Our tax problem? The FairTax or a flat tax would solve the 3000+ pages of tax codes that make it so that there are ENTIRE COMPANIES devoted to getting you as much money as you can from your tax returns. The answer to problems shouldn't be more problems. Simple is better.
Well, that means that all those thousands of tax accountants would suddenly flood the other aspects of the accounting industry, including what I'm interested in, so basically fuck you and that idea, lulz.
Thousands of tax accountants or millions of people cheated out of money every year because they couldn't afford to hire someone to get them back the money they deserve? Not everyone has the time, money, or knowledge to confront thousands of pages of tax codes and a government agency that can destroy your credit and take everything you own. I'm sorry some accountants will lose jobs, but there shouldn't have to be an ENTIRE BRANCH of accounting just for filing taxes. That's just rediculous.
Well, actually it does take a bit of fiddling around, but I think everyone can do their own taxes, if they care enough. It certainly might not be easy (depending on your particular situation), so I agree there - but it's very viable to do it yourself in most cases.

Anyway, I don't think complicated tax laws will disappear altogether and everything will ever be replaced with a "flat tax" across the board. Even if something as simple as that were to hit the "personal tax return" level, I'm pretty sure corporate/business tax will still remain complicated enough to warrant hiring full-time people to manage all the shit.

BTW I can't believe someone who has as great aspirations as you would make the lame mistake of spelling rIdiculous with an E... I mean, I'd expect that from Soulzz or Fast, but not Boondokk - unless it was intentional.

The word comes from "ridicule," not "redicule."
SIMPLE is always the solution. Our tax problem? The FairTax or a flat tax would solve the 3000+ pages of tax codes that make it so that there are ENTIRE COMPANIES devoted to getting you as much money as you can from your tax returns. The answer to problems shouldn't be more problems. Simple is better.

Then how would politicians add in the abatements/credits/giveaways to take care of their friends and special interests? My god, it would be utter pandemonium. Just like the health care crap now, they will give subsidies (meaning your and my money) to people to help them pay for their coverage. I'm really getting tired of paying for everyone else. My pay certainly hasn't gone up to warrant it.
BTW I can't believe someone who has as great aspirations as you would make the lame mistake of spelling rIdiculous with an E... I mean, I'd expect that from Soulzz or Fast, but not Boondokk - unless it was intentional.

The word comes from "ridicule," not "redicule."

Aspirations? I've already made my fortune. And if the only thing you can find bad about my argument is that I misspelled a word, then evidently my words ring a bit too true for your tastes.
I meant aspirations for grammar and vocabulary correctness, not other.