Cant Join server longer than 2 sec


Registered User
Dec 7, 2013
I'm having a problem joining your TBG Rush Server. I can join but as soon as i see the battle screen and get in battle i get blacked screened and essentially kicked from your server.
ive had this problem for a while now. my friends join it and I try to join about once every 2 days but its now to the point where im wanting answers too why this is happening. Please my i have help in this situation so im may play on your server and with my friends :)

Minor090 - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Same here. I've quit trying to join Lockers for now... Of course I'm playing on my back up computer and I get kicked on other servers too periodically. My CPU is a Quad Core 9550 @ 2.83 GHz
This is a common problem with servers and happening randomnly. Something dice needs to fix we cannot fix their coding and connection issues :/

I restarted the server so let me know if you are able to get in.

This just proves that this is not a reserve slot issue but a general random issue as people are joining our servers no problem.
So far as I know that's tied to the premium prioritized queue and reserved vip list. Now, I can't do anything for Minor that I can see, but Duke you should be able to join lockers now.

Minor, about the best thing I've found is logging out of battlelog, signing back in and then trying to join the server. I've had that problem on a few servers so far. Give it a try and let me know if that works for you.
but the thing is its only that server. ive been able to join all your other servers its only been this one..the one i want too play on xD...
As i said above. I just restarted this server basically for you, please try it out and let me know if this fixes it. Need to know if this fixes the issue or not.
no, it dose not. it was just. i see battle screen to deploy as soon as i can deploy is kicks me out ;( , also may i please have pw for ts so we can work this out some how instead on slow forum posts?
Hi minor, the deploy issue is similar to what I was experiencing yesterday, and has nothing to do with our server.

You did not provide your age in the TS thread.
its sadly 18. but i would just like to talk. and not bother ya'll again.
i just joined. and it was on the end battle screen *2sec* and kicks me out.
Have you updated your punkbuster? Whenever you get disconnected from a server rather quickly, it tends to be punkbuster. Go to and download the punk buster setup, then update your pb for BF4
Have you updated your punkbuster? Whenever you get disconnected from a server rather quickly, it tends to be punkbuster. Go to and download the punk buster setup, then update your pb for BF4

I forgot to ask Avery if he did that. Earlier patches of BF4 you would NOT get any PB related errors when disconnecting.

However bot the problem is the few people experiencing this claim to not have it on any other servers. So its likely not that but Im gonna go check mine for updates (havent had any problems but also not playing much) and I bet you mine is out of date none the less.
Mmm I do update pb after very ban I lift.

Pb_sv_update or sv_restart. However this may not be the problem as random people are experiencing this on random server as well. I actually got this message but I close everything down and redo
Mmm I do update pb after very ban I lift.

Were not talking about updating the pb server process or restarting it server side.

Talking about updating punkbuster. Punkbuster rarely if ever updates and is the cause of massive headaches worldwide. Which is why I have laughed at Steam users who always said "But it keeps all your games up to date". So yeah when is pb going to join the new millennium and update once in awhile or maybe every time there is an update.

Oh and apparently I can't get into lockers for shit either... not that I want to play on it but I tried. Oh and TDM sucks. Guess domination is my new grind.
The problem I have is when joining, it sticks on "Connecting" and spits back an error that says "Disconnected". I tried the port forwarding bit but that only works occasionally. Typically, the only thing that helps me is a reboot.

EA/DICE need to get on the damn ball with this game. It has so many bugs/problems that need fixed. I don't recall BF3 being like this so it seems they're either slipping or simply rushed this game out.