BC2 is going to die within the next 7 months I bet. It's got NO new content and NO new maps. I hope Vietnam and Black Ops are better by leaps and bounds then BC2 was.
BC2 is going to die within the next 7 months I bet. It's got NO new content and NO new maps. I hope Vietnam and Black Ops are better by leaps and bounds then BC2 was.

vietnam comes with 4 maps(something like that) and they will most likely mix around with modes too. Kind of disappointed about the maps...

yes black ops will be sweet.

I agree pilot, i'm getting back into it myself recently playing at least once a day or two.
Yea, but it's 'paid' DLC. Fuck that...
HAHA, they ain't getting my monay...maybe your sister but not them...

*off topic* nice text signature pilot :(
BC2 is alright for what it is. A little, fun, unbalanced, annoying tech demo / test game for the new engine. Now that they've figured out how it works (and milked a few $$$ for new skins, meshes, and maps with MOH and Vietnam), hopefully they'll actually start working on some serious project like BF3 in the middle of next year, and release it by the end of 2012 or beginning of 2013.

The sad part about BC2 is that it's pretty much guaranteed that there will be no new maps whatsoever from the interview - just 4 more for Vietnam. More in the next game I guess... and the MOH lulz which I will not buy unless I can find it for a retardedly cheap price.
BC2 is alright for what it is. A little, fun, unbalanced, annoying tech demo / test game for the new engine. Now that they've figured out how it works (and milked a few $$$ for new skins, meshes, and maps with MOH and Vietnam), hopefully they'll actually start working on some serious project like BF3 in the middle of next year, and release it by the end of 2012 or beginning of 2013.

The sad part about BC2 is that it's pretty much guaranteed that there will be no new maps whatsoever from the interview - just 4 more for Vietnam. More in the next game I guess... and the MOH lulz which I will not buy unless I can find it for a retardedly cheap price.

you whine about every game surge.. lol bc2 is a good game! fcu you all =).. all i can play is 2142 now..