Battlefield 2142 1.51 server patch is here

Can we install both 1.51 and 1.50 and play them separately (for the time being, at least)?
you can, did you back up the 1.50 folder?

If not reinstall the game patch to 1.50 make a backup then install 1.51
Well I've tried this process and no luck :( I would to know what you've done that I haven't... time will tell. Each time I've installed as per instructed inc pb update, I get a error telling me my version is oldfer than the clients.
But everyone here at GQ is experiencing the same problems......How have you guys done it?
Just for the record, deluxe 1.4, then 1.5, then 1.51, then pb update. The only thing I can think is many of the links are in fact pointing towards the old pre Dec patch maybe?

Yeah, have a 1.5 version and 1.51 version both installed, no messing around that way.
the only thing i can think of is if the value in your registry is correct and if you have the correct patch installed