Balls is now #1

i knew he was good... great squad player and playing for a long time... glad its balls...
Wow -- congratulations, Balls! Better print the list and frame it 'cause the hackers surely won't let that last!
If they wipe ball's stats - i will make sure that EA is sued.
Congratulations! Now, I just hope the hackers don't start aiming for you.
Don't say that!
Every time I get near 100 my computer dies! You've just cursed my system....bastard! 010 021

Top FOUR are stat padders/hackers.
look at all the supreme commanders.
the leaderboards are bullshit.. seriously
LOOK AT THE #1 GUY! he doesnt have any points from any rounds.. he played one round that was 2 points.
forget just the #1 guy. they all have the same points!

Balls! represent! Congrats dude!
Don't say that!
Every time I get near 100 my computer dies! You've just cursed my system....bastard! 010 021

You are no longer "near" 100!
You've crossed that line sixer! Be HAPPY!
Congrats Balls, couldn't have happened to a better person. You are really a consummate team player.
Balls, you aren't even German! How did that happen? Guess old-fashioned hard work and dedication do pay off. Congratulations.
Holy shit! I never noticed this. Congrats!

#1 in GS and overall in the same clan -> win. ;)
Yes sir... lets all kiss Balls2dawall's butt!
I can still kill him and knife him... my favorite is signing up for a new character and killing him and listening to his response!

"Something fishy about that ryan_seacrest! somebody screen shot that guy"

"did he just solo tv me?"

"that ryan seacrest again!"
Here's the pisser on 2142-stats, German _Fighter shows only one round played for 8388607 pts, 1 kill/0 deaths and 1017 kills per minute and only played 59 seconds. The really funny thing is he only has one medal , a bronze star. All that hacking was only good enough for a third? He needs to improve his computer hacking skills (maybe consult Napolean Dynamite?)
While I was posting the last, Titan Gunther moved ahead of German Fighter in the rankings, coincidentally he has exactly the same score and was on the same server GQ Moving Titan. Yet another reason to stay on reliable old TBG servers.
yeah dont play on those european servers. Their server providers are not trustworthy at all.
I'm sure it will not last for long; but, what the hell. I bet you guys are glad to have my tags...are SS going to be posted on the ownage I just noticed that half my points are teamwork points; it shows that I'm surrounded by good guys, a great clan, and a kick as server that doesn't allow f'n hackers.
Balls, you and SIx taught me almost evrything I now know about titan attack and I am damn proud to fly CAS for you guys and pound when the soup gets too hot, we have the best sqds on the game. ooooo get some lol!!