Al Jazeera America

it's like cbs reality but everything is in a warzone, people die a lot and everything is real.

edit: some very bigoted comments from time to time though that make me cringe hard.
Not the greatest, I usually only watch Fox unless my Mom has CNN on.
I know the US station is different to the Canadian one that is different to the EU one...
The only news agency that doesn't pander to one side or the other seems to be ABC and CNN does a decent job of it at times but ABC's website makes me want to rip my eyes out of my head. I would expect them to be more liberal I don't know why I think that... maybe they are fucking crazy, maybe they actually tell the truth.
ABC is almost as bad as MSNBC. CNN is left-leaning, but not as bad as ABC and MSNBC.
ABC mostly down the middle they do go left a lot but the country is leaning that way. I feel they try to keep it in the cultural middle as too the political middle. MSNBC is a straight man sucking a gay dick they are so left. I haven't watched CNN ( or cable) in a long time so I really don't know, always thought they went right might have to check their website. Fox news? I just watch to much Daily show to take them seriously.
The daily show is a far-left satire. I think the country is leaning in the middle. If you take in a few different factors, it measures up to be in the middle.

Fox news is right-wing, of course, just as right-wing as CNN is left-wing. The difference being that Fox news isn't afraid to cover both sides of the story. There is a slant, but they have true left-wing and true right-wing guests. CNN just started having a few true right-wing guests, namely Newt Gingrich, but for the most part has lots of left-wing and far left-wing guests.
How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:

There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.

1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)

6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools

8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Al Jazeera America is Al Gore's old network that used to go by the name Current TV, he sold out a couple of years ago. As far as what to think of the network there is none better at justifying Islamic terrorism or denigrating Israel and the west. If you have filmed IED's you and your friends placed in Afghanistan or Iraq killing Americans and need a network to air your video while protecting your identity and location, this is your channel.
ABC mostly down the middle they do go left a lot but the country is leaning that way. I feel they try to keep it in the cultural middle as too the political middle. MSNBC is a straight man sucking a gay dick they are so left. I haven't watched CNN ( or cable) in a long time so I really don't know, always thought they went right might have to check their website. Fox news? I just watch to much Daily show to take them seriously.
You watch too much of a parody left wing news show to take an actual news channel seriously, let that set in for a minute. Also CNN hasn't been in the middle since Bush 41. CBS is so far left they just lost a 20 year award winning journalist who has come out openly saying there is a bias that keeps left offensive stories off the broadcasts not to mention Dan Blather being forced into retirement for faking a story about Bush 43. ABC is probably the closest thing to the center that broadcast networks have to offer which is a bit like being the tallest midget. You have to decipher the news today, it hasn't been objectively given since Cronkite gave the go ahead to all journalists to inject their politics into the "news" 40 years ago. If a completely objective news desk managed to find it's way onto the airwaves it would be revolutionary. For all the shit that Fox news gets, it's only actual news program is hosted by an openly liberal closeted gay man (Shep Smith) who has not made it through an hour of his show without taking a shot at the right in probably 5 years. You have to read news for the facts, everything else in a news story is conjecture, innuendo and bullshit. The only place to get actual objective news about politics is CSPAN and sadly not nearly enough people have the patience or political knowledge base to make heads or tails of actual congressional broadcasts. Print media is actually even more biased than broadcast media if you can believe it, fortunately that matters little as it's dead technology and has been circling the drain for years. In the end adults know what they think/believe and will find media that doesn't offend them which is what the media has decided is it's new job.
MSNBC has a hard on for the gays, FOX News isn't too bad, but they shoot themselves in the foot sometimes, CNN has been gargling the liberal agenda's balls for the last 35 years. Thank goodness they go rid of Piers Morgan. Good fucking riddance.

Al Jazeera!? let me refer you to this:

fuck those Hajjis.
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If watching 2 episodes of daily show in the last 3 months is too much than i am guilty. Print media can't even hold a candle to radio, if you want slant go there.
I saw Cable TV promoting this shit and said no thanks... Set my spidey sense off the minute it came on.

I watch CNN and Fox, for certain parts of the news. If one begins to lean to much I go to the other one. I do favor FOX though...
Anyone expecting perfection from a large media organization is going to be disappointed. This is like expecting politicians to NOT be influenced by their personal beliefs.
Fox, CNN, CBS, The Blaze, even Drudge. I review them all. I don't assume that anything short of "Bob shot Jim at 2:45pm" to be fact. If you want to take something from a news site/channel as fact - then you better be prepared to back it up with something beyond an article.
If watching 2 episodes of daily show in the last 3 months is too much than i am guilty. Print media can't even hold a candle to radio, if you want slant go there.

Yeah radio is probably the worst.
Does that Al Jazeera: 'murica promote videos about killing Coalition forces?
It's a news network they need ratings to stay on the air/ sell commercial spots. It will have the stuff that will get them viewers here in America in Pakistan yea they want to see Americans getting their heads loped off for the name of Allah so they show that. With that said I expect to see news about boobs, beer and bacon with some gratuitous violence.
thats funny that US media promotes beheadings/bombings of US citizens/soldiers...sounds like it is a small form of treason.