A touch of rain


Ban/Community Manager
Sep 3, 2008
We've had a little rain around here lately and I was bored earlier so I figured I would take some video. The front video is from my office window, the backyard from my dining room, and the flooded house at the end of my street where I carried out a dog and helped the older couple get out of their rapidly flooding house. By the way, their house is at the end of the street next to the drainage from my street and the golf course there.

Poor couple man. When I went down to his house he was packing up his mercedes with pictures to drive out. When I pointed out I need a rope to cross his four foot deep and rapid like driveway he seemed surprised. Oh, and the water was rising; my neighbor who was with me just came by and said it is about 1/2 way up the front door right now.
Damn, that is a serious gulley washer! You must have got all the rain that never made it to us. They called for 1-2" and we got .08". Not good when you live in farm country. Hope you stay high and dry.
That's crazy. A buddy of mine was just talking about this on FB, but I didn't think it was THAT bad.
That is a ton of rain. Reminds me of living in Florida when Andrew went by and flooded everything. You might have to look into some irrigation in your backyard. You had a small river flowing down your steps.
May be a dumb question but does it rain a lot in the South? More than like here where I' am in NJ?
Shit, you guys should have seen the monsoon they got in El Paso in 2007. Holyshit man, Mexicans were freaking out down there. They usually get about 2 or 3 inches of rain per year. In 3 weeks they got about 120 inches and everything was flooded. The desert had grass man. Oh, and because they have never had that kind of rain, they didnt think to boil their water, you talking about sick. Everyone got sick.

Shit, you should have seen it when it snowed. OMG, they lost their fucking minds. No snow plows or salt. They acted like snow flakes were fire and brimstone.

Something screwy about the weather now a days.
May be a dumb question but does it rain a lot in the South? More than like here where I' am in NJ?

I dont know wtf is going on in Southern Virginia. But it rains almost everyday here. When I turned 18 back in 95 and left home, we got rain every few weeks. Now, 14 years later, rain, everyday. Cant even ride my bike hardly at all. Every morning it looks like a beutiful clear day, but by noon, rain.
Here in NJ the weather makes no fuckin sense either. It was cold and snowy till May 16th 2009. It was winter till May 16 and then I wake up May 17th 2009, put on snow boots (snowed the day before), sweater, jacket, jeans, the whole snowy winter outfit, walk outside and it was 95 degrees out with no snow or anything. It skipped Spring, and did Winter straight into blistering hot summer. Then earlier this month is jumped from Summer to Fall in one day but at least it didn't skip a damn season lol.
May be a dumb question but does it rain a lot in the South? More than like here where I' am in NJ?

in texas we typically get less rain, but it nearly floods every time it rains
It rains a bit more here, but nothing freaky like south Florida. The trick was the 14 or so inches in a couple of days on top of a VERY wet summer and at the end of five days of rain. The area here is very hilly with a river system of creeks and streams supporting the Chattahoochee river so there is lots of runoff concentrated in a select number of areas. All that said, the river levels here are, in places, the highest since 1917 or earlier. Lots of rain, but I have never seen my backyard turn into a river.
Our ground is so dry it is cracking near Muncie, IN. We would have loved some of that rain, just not all at once.
Every time I see the title of this thread I keep thinking of white rain, which of course makes me think of sex and pornos and I keep wondering why Chuck would name his thread like that? fucky
Well send some of that shit down to South Carolina, dry as fuck here. and when it does rain usually no more than 1-2 inches if that. forcast cloudy with 80-90% chance of rain. yea not likely usually sunny and one cloud'll roll threw and drop some mist and move on.