Recent content by TanneRain

  1. TanneRain


    Verdun is great, I've had it for well over a year now. Just never had anyone to play with.
  2. TanneRain


    It took way too long for you to shoot it for my tastes.
  3. TanneRain

    Rising Storm 2

    Yes, yes, yes. All in for this game. Love the historical aspect and everything about Vietnam. Just waiting for them to announce a damn release date.
  4. TanneRain

    Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2 re-release

    So these games are gonna be re-released today on Steam and remastered a bit, they're some of the most fun I have ever had playing co-op and I'll probably pick them both up again. Anyone else here going to snag em? Really fun and laid back times to be had on these games haha.
  5. TanneRain

    Hello....its me from Indonesia

    free trip?
  6. TanneRain

    Requesting to join TrueBornGaming

    I think I just set off a lot of red flags at work by viewing this thread. Also, poly is a solid ass dude.
  7. TanneRain

    Built a table

    Very nice. And your corner looks super cozy.
  8. TanneRain

    ETR vs TBG Scrim

    I sincerely doubt anyone has called you a winer. Because that would make them a pretty fucking stupid person. And you're welcome.
  9. TanneRain

    Overwatch Megathread

  10. TanneRain

    Reminder 40$ Overwatch

    It's Battlenet, lol.
  11. TanneRain

    Overwatch Megathread

    Add me to the list Rain#13705
  12. TanneRain

    Turbo boost on i7-6700HQ?

    Word, that's what I figured. I get fantastic performance without the boost, but my curious side was making me look into it.
  13. TanneRain

    Turbo boost on i7-6700HQ?

    So I bought an Alienware laptop a couple months ago and it has the new Skylake i7-6700hq and always talked up it's "turbo boost" for 4 cores at 3.8ghz or whatever. Being a novice at boosting, overclocking, etc...does anyone know how to access or test this easily? I know going into overclock or...
  14. TanneRain

    So how much do you drink?

    Depends on if Indiana is playing and how many times someone stepped on my foot and bumped me into me on the subway, so anywhere from 1-7 Beers a night.
  15. TanneRain

    The Division?

    uPlay as of now runs pretty flawlessly. Easy UI to use and smooth.