Get ya some of that :)

Alaska download speed.

30 down 5 up here is the fastest we get and its nearly $80.00 a month
Pffft rookie, try paying $80 a month for 75 up 5 down and having pages load anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds :( followed by A TEIR 1 CALL WITH A VERY IMPORTANT CASE NUMBER THAT RESULTS IN FUCK AND ALL. Not that I'm bitter.

Wow, you guys are getting ass raped by your ISPs. I pay $99.99/mo and get this:

Third world countries will have their internet infrastructure upgraded before i see it..
fuck you can I not see a thread on my screen short of deleting it? ;)
By dribs and drabs I keep getting better download speeds :) Comcast came out and fucked with some wires on my street today and I won't complain.
You inspired me to check mine:

It's fun tying into our backbone here at work, I had to go in for something tonight, saw this thread earlier on, and thought "What the hell, lets contribute" Lets just say that downloading movies is hilarious.
It's fun tying into our backbone here at work, I had to go in for something tonight, saw this thread earlier on, and thought "What the hell, lets contribute" Lets just say that downloading movies is hilarious.

too bad this will be the norm for my kids when they r teens... spoiled mf'ers lol