World in Conflict


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Has anybody played this, and if so what did you think of it? I got this as a freebie but have not installed it yet. It looks like it has lots of jets and choppers so I thought maybe somebody here had tried the game. 057
I really didn't like it at all - it's like a RTS but you don't have to worry about buildings/resources. You get dropped vehicles and infantry and just duke it out if I remember correctly. It was alright. I played the beta a bit.
RTS? That sucks. I was hoping it was a halfway decent FPS. Well, I guess that's one I won't be installing. Thanks for the info though.
If you want a good and challenging RTS download the Project reality mod for bf2 the commander can build gun emplacements and lots of things are destructable aircraft have warmup times and take skill and practice to operate, squad leaders can laser designate targets for aircraft and so forth, i can't list it all but it is extremely fun and most ppl use a mic

err FPS (edit)
it's only got a tiny bit of RTS but is mostly FPS
I played PR and it was great - VERY realistic. If your not into getting kills in 1-2 shots of a gun, then it's not for you :p.
problem is hitting people in 1-2 shots, lie prone, breath and then fire.
Just like real life. I liked world in conflict its a great game if your the strategist type and you like to come up with new tactics and stuff, a bunch of guys brought a copy in to my unit and we were all pokin around on it instead of doing our work lol. Its allot of fun six regardless if it an RTS.
Playing an RTS is a bit like commanding in 2142. You have to order your units and make wise decisions constantly :).
The (huge) difference is that in a RTS the units comply immediately, whereas in 2142 they don't really give a shit most of the time lmao.