what the hell is going on with america!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guerrilla tactics are hard to deal with, no matter how much technology and shit you pour into "defending" something, you really can't be 100% safe.

Things are always going to slip by.
Guerrilla tactics are hard to deal with, no matter how much technology and shit you pour into "defending" something, you really can't be 100% safe.

Things are always going to slip by.

I could not have said it better, we are being attacked in this way. Its really fucking shady, its like IED's in Iraq, fucking lame duck pansys, come out and shoot at me already and stop planting these fucking IED's and killing my friends.
Holy shit, we got a car bomber in New York, we are telling people how many nukes we have in D.C, an oil spill by BP in the gulf, a bomber gets on a plain in New York!!! Are we that fucking incompetent as a nation now with obama in charge.

This is getting out of of fucking control

Well let's see
When I was a kid they taught you how to nuke Russians in Kindergarten. ICBM was common knowledge at that age.
The world is actually an oil spill which is continuously being cleaned or hidden.
The last time bombers got on planes in NYC, they actually flew them into buildings.

See it's OK, same old shit man :)
Well let's see
When I was a kid they taught you how to nuke Russians in Kindergarten. ICBM was common knowledge at that age.
The world is actually an oil spill which is continuously being cleaned or hidden.
The last time bombers got on planes in NYC, they actually flew them into buildings.

See it's OK, same old shit man :)

Well when you say it like that....
[/B]better NYC then Chicago :) Get ready for the road warrior life. Its comming!!!!! or fall out if the nukes fall :(
Did Obama blow up the oil rig? Did he let the bomber escape to Waziristan like that other guy? Why bother with nukes when we got 1 million Marines?
Pop a cold one and chill dude.
Are we that fucking incompetent as a nation now with obama in charge.

I think you should be asking if we're that fucking incompetent as a nation...period. The answer is, of course, yes. It's always a balancing act between security and "freedom". If our country were really secure I'm sure none of us would want to live here.
The problem is that there are too many people with a "if we leave them alone they'll leave us alone" mentality. We tried that out when Hitler was taking Poland and Austria and the like. We waited until he gobbled up a whole bunch of nations, allied with the Japanese, and then his allies attacked us because we believed being surrounded by oceans would protect us. Isolationism and appeasement mentalities NEVER work. The real problem is the fact that our borders aren't secured and people aren't profiled because we're scared of hurting someone's feelings. Look at the law in Arizona. "It's against people that are Mexicans!" Well, you don't see illegal Irish and Italian and Russian immigrants in Arizona. Of course they are Mexicans! We have a bloody border with Mexico, for God's sake! We just need to stop being so politically correct, suck it up, and do what needs to be done. America is turning into the Land of the Victim rather than the Land of the Free. If you're poor, find someone to sue.