what I do when I'm not gaming


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Aug 21, 2008
I went to work and did some target shooting. I was over 40 yards away from the target. I was shooting a Crosman Storm XT air rifle.
Table I was shooting from.

The target.

Close up of target. Had to fine tune the scope, once I did you can see I was right on.
yes, I've told by my boss to kill the grounds hogs so everytime I work weekends I take my rifle to work. I didn't work yesterday but as you can see I still went to shoot. And yes, I got a ground hog yesterday. Shot one in the neck. He/she was done after that. I just wish I could shoot like that in the game. I'd be unstoppable!
hahah shoot them up with that zeller. The hogs will shout "We got an enemy sniper! SNIPAAAA!!
nice i would love to work where u can shoot targets later in the day

Enlist USAF, Go Security Forces, Combat Arms Instructor. Bam you got it.
Even with air rifle and a scope I'm a good shot. I was in the Air Force for 10 years. I had expert markman, not just quailify while I was in. Never thought my military training would be used to kill ground hogs 8 years after being out of the millitary.
That shit with the 50,000 rounds to kill a soldier's gotta be BS.

50,000 rounds is a LOT, even with spamming for cover and so forth... it's like more than a thousand clips to kill just ONE guy.
I watched a Discovery Channel special on snipers. The one team was taking shoots at over a mile (1700 yards) away and hitting the target. Had a big gun! If you got hit with that round you're dead, no question.