what do you guys think about this competitive circuit?


Registered User
Jan 2, 2017
"The goal of the Squad International Knockout Tournament is to find the best team in the competitive Squad scene. Format of the match will be 24v24 flex on a predetermined map pool. A flex type tournament signifies that a clan can either bring 24 players or, bring 12 players and form an alliance with a second clan. This will allow smaller clans to be able to participate by merging with another team (12+12=24). The bracket will be double-elimination and a maximum of 8 teams will be allowed to participate - this makes a total of 192 players in the tournament. The first competition is already underway but the #2 is set to start in May along with the open league!"

Stay tuned for the upcoming match streams and announcements @ https://discord.gg/KgMpzrW

I asked them about streaming and if there would be a delay and he replied with this.

"There is only no delay streaming if both team captains consent to it. Otherwise, it just gets recorded then uploaded later for all to see."
Something to consider in the future for casual matches I suppose.
Ones we did in past it was live streamed, seemed like some other clans in the matchs had peps watching the stream and telling their clan mates where to go.
Ones we did in past it was live streamed, seemed like some other clans in the matchs had peps watching the stream and telling their clan mates where to go.

Yeah, that's sorta why this interests me, if both of the teams agree it's not live streamed so it's actual playing the game, not watching twitch on a second monitor.