Website Upgrade IT GOIN RAIN!


Mar 6, 2011
Hello everyone, especially all of the new members who have no clue who the hell I am.

We are going to make the transition from Xenforo 2.0 to 2.2 which is quite a major leap. A few things might not work initially. The front page will show recent threads instead of tabbed recent threads. You might notice a couple of things off on the theme. But during the upgrade most things will probably look absolutely fucked.

When? I think I am going to start without warning in a few minutes. Buckle up buttercup. We doing this shit live in production!
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The bulk of the upgrade is mostly done. Waiting on the forms plugin to finish so I can install the who has read a thread plugin. The theme will need quite a few things to be fixed but it should be usable for the moment.
I have a bad feeling about this lol

Not to be an ahole or anything, but why? What does this give us?

To be an asshole, security? Xenforo 2.0 is outdated, unsupported and can only be run on outdated unsupported server software. So if you like getting hacked, I could leave it in the hands of Soulzz who is the last person to have any work done to the site and he has been gone 1.5 years. Even worse he left us without turning over control of the domain name which could have ended in disaster.
Oh I totally get that. I'm the principal system engineer at my company, 11 years now, and we got hit by ransomware in Jan. We recovered without having to pay because of my backups architecture, but shit has been CRAZY for me for the past 5 months because of it.
Oh I totally get that. I'm the principal system engineer at my company, 11 years now, and we got hit by ransomware in Jan. We recovered without having to pay because of my backups architecture, but shit has been CRAZY for me for the past 5 months because of it.

The only major issue so far is I failed to notice that the 2.2 support for our forms plugin is actually a Beta and it just so happens to not be fucking upgrading properly... Short term likely means opening up the report forums for manual threads but once i find a way to wipe the plugin out ill just have to install it from scratch (assuming the installer works at all). The majority of work left is theme related.

I will need to recreate the tabbed threads widget. It's literally the only part of the 2.0 website that I had anything to do with. Soulzz paid other people to do everything you've seen the last few years. He did have me move the site to the slow ass server it is currently on.
Interesting. I thought you did the last couple websites. I don't know why, or someone in the clan.
Interesting. I thought you did the last couple websites. I don't know why, or someone in the clan.

I did the transition from vBulletin 4.x to Xenforo 1.2, probably trailed off anything but maintenance through 1.5. I forget what the catalyst was but eventually it became time to update to 2.0. But I had long fallen down the rabbit hole of getting married and having a life by that time. I felt motivated enough to at least get the updates done right now. We will see if I get back into developing for XF or not. I have other projects on the table.
Forms are back.

I will let the usual people tweak it. But I have made a couple of changes. The reporting player titles will now show the game and player name to make threads easier to find and obvious to relevant admins before even opening.
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Site seems snappier now also. Good stuff and thanks!
Site seems snappier now also. Good stuff and thanks!

It's slow as fuck to be honest. I am not 100% sure whats up but I am probably going to split it off onto another server soon. We are about to test upgrading PHP versions which should also improve performance.