Wardrobe malfunction in the library


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
So, as the title says I had a wardrobe malfunction in the library. While I was squatting down to pick up some books, with a teenager behind me, the whole crotch of my khakis splits from the zipper to almost the belt line. Of course, being the responsible librarian I am, I'm going commando and my junk drops down swinging in the breeze. As Chuck would say "damnit man, that's why you wear underwear!". lulz

Edit: So I figured fuck it, I"m taking the rest of the day off :)
its that an act or terrorism in its self a lone, i mean with all those people around?
Tell the truth Sixer, you were rubbing one out at work and got caught.
My favorite part of that was calling my boss and telling him I'm leaving for the day and why. There was a very long pause and then he said "um, yeah, good luck with your doctor's appointment." lulz
"doctor's appointment" LOL

That's some funny shit right there. You putting on a bit a weight or are your pants shrinking? To tell the truth I have actually been in those same shoes Six. Just-a-swinging away.
Don't ask me why, but that is the usual end result for my pants. I'll squat down and....there they go. The first thing my wife asked me when I got home is how do I always manage to do that to my pants. Well, I have no idea. These were 5 month old Dockers and I always get the relaxed fit for extra room so I don't have things like this occur but it never helps. Oh well.
Just be glad that eight ball you had corn-holed didn't come tumbling out with your junk.
I thought he was kegeling bowling pins. Damn, that must have been exciting for everyone there.
Looks like it's time for you to start wearing spandex, better post signs at work.
I heard Soulzz is good at helping with that kind of a problem,you should hit him up sometime ;P
Six you need these

Going commando is... something I never do :p . But yeah, that would be horrible. Kid's scarred for life for sure.
Going commando is... something I never do :p . But yeah, that would be horrible. Kid's scarred for life for sure.

no, he'll just be like "duuuude, you will not believe this shit that happened with the librarian the other day" for a few months
LOL! Elbeco Duty Maxx pants have triple stitched crotch...if you want to feel tactical in the library. =D