Want to buy


Registered User
Jul 11, 2009
Need anything DX11 better then my 4870. Want to play BF3 please help.
go grab a gtx 560ti it can run bf3 on high and is a fairly cheap card.
When Nvidia comes out with the next gen card I'll have a gtx 580 for sale but until then...nothing.
It can also go Ultra, depending on your other specs. Though I wouldn't recommend Ultra for the largest multiplayer maps.

my pc specs are retarded good, couldnt could get ultra but fps was low, tossed in a second card SLI get a steady 70-80 fps on ultra for all maps.
I had a 5750HD Radeon, but I replaced it because it didn't run BF3 very good. I can probably dig it up if you want it. Not sure if it's DX11 or not.
Thanks Mac but looking to run with out the video lag. Just looking for something cheap to get me by till march. I can play but only on small maps. Thats why I was always on our I/O severs but they are gone.
Not having any problems with my 460 and there about $150 now or even less. Everything is at low and I'll be upgrading when I can, but it does OK with the game.
I got a Radeon 6950 2G, runs BF3 with everything on high/some ultra.