Vid on TBG Karkand server

Thank you for the kind words, Roid! And, good to see you back! I thought we lost you to BC2, or something.

Impressive play without a medic or two behind you. You make the support kit look so easy. For some reason I never played support (only 30h), but I am almost done with the last rifle/carbine in the game, the P90 - and then all I have left is the support guns. Personally, I hate to prone/crouch while shooting, but I'll just have to get used to it. I'll be looking for you in the game, for some tips - when I start playing the kit in earnest.

See ya on the field!
I can't even begin to count the number of times you have killed me in this game. Maybe it is a good thing I mostly play 2142 or I would be depressed all the time. Loved the Art of Noise on the vid, too.
Impressive Sir, but after watching your video I have come to the conclusion that you must have been playing against the guys from the Helen Keller Military Academy. :) lol

I play the support kit quite a bit, however I prefer the PKM due to its accuracy and stopping power but I do like the weapon you are using for close quarters combat because it's rate of fire is much faster than the PKM and it's a bit easier to fire from the standing or kneeling position as where with the PKM works best from a full prone position.

Also I am with Meg on this, glad to see you back on the server it's always nice to have players of your caliper on the server, it makes the game much more challenging and enjoyable. :)

Edit: Sorry I just noticed this. I meant to say caliber not caliper
Thanks for watching. With my old favorite server (GP Jalalabad) all but dead, your Karkand server is my new favorite. :)) I did try BC2 but it just never grabbed my attention. I hope you guys are gonna be getting into BF3, when it comes out. Got two more vids in the works. One is finished, I just need a title for it. Another I recorded last night............. will give props to your server in the vid for sure. Anywho, see ya in the server soon. :)
"=OSS*ROID= A Big Possibility"

This video is unavailable.

This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Yeah, I disputed the copyright claim but Youtube still blocked it. Youtube is getting to be a real pain with this copyright stuff. Will have to redo the vid with different music I guess. "A Big Possibility" was recorded on the Gravepackers Jalalabad server anyway. "Pure Confusion" was done on TBG. I have another TBG Karky vid "in editing" now.
Had similar problems with YT in the past... Thankfully, I don't do video stuff very often, so screw 'em.

Looking forward to the next vid!