Upgrade time


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Got notified today by the owner of our game server provider a new box with even better specs is available. Of course I said yes.

This means servers will be going ahead with an upgrade. We have two boxes for BF, some will go to a better current box we run and the others will move over to the brand new one.
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Nice. Congrats. Is the price the same?

A little bit of an increase though it’s a good deal I got. One of the newest architecture with increased raw power.

Bf never did well as multithreaded support game so raw core power is critical for higher end servers (60HZ servers)

We had current boxes too lol but whenever there is a solid opportunity I’ll make the change.
Does that mean the conquest servers will go from 45hz to 60hz?
Will Metro be getting an upgrade? I still don't know why people say there are more maps in bf4. The only map is metro. Battlefield 4 Operation Metro is the game's full name isn't it?
Will Metro be getting an upgrade? I still don't know why people say there are more maps in bf4. The only map is metro. Battlefield 4 Operation Metro is the game's full name isn't it?

There a lot more maps than that in bf4. I can’t tell if you are joking or not. And yes all our servers will be upgraded.
They got the parts assembled for us, I’ll start working on this later today
Nice! i see hardcore at 60 now.. ill be playing later on tonight to see if i notice a difference. Anyone notice any difference in metro ?
More than likely. we are playing around with the servers at the moment. We also need to do it at a time when the server is almost empty (Which it almost never really is) before we can do this. It's a process for sure. But we will make it happen!
Nice! i see hardcore at 60 now.. ill be playing later on tonight to see if i notice a difference. Anyone notice any difference in metro ?

So far, the change has been welcome looking in chat.