Tea party radicalized?

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While I detest the lady and she was inaccurate about the Michigan scenario. I dislike Reid even more. There was a situation in Florida a while back where the Federal Government had to step in and pull back the reignes of the Latin culture in Southern Florida. It was so bad that all highways signs and most other signs were only in Spanish. Trying to find someone that spoke English was difficult as well. The Latin community was so prevalent there that they really did not mean to take over it just sort of happened. The Federal Government stepped in an educated the people in English and other ways and mandated laws that signs particularly highways signs must be in English.

The taking over of a community, a neighborhood, or even a city has happened before in history and will happen again in the future. If the Government does not control the flow of immigrants to this country do you think the likelihood will increase or decrease? Food for thought.

Miami-Dade County - Consumer Services - Alcohol Warning Signs

Miami: the Capital of Latin America - TIME

The Dade County English-Only Ordinance - Miami Beach 411
Politics & Religon are similar because not matter what someone tells you it will not change how you feel; the "tea party" has a majority make-up of normal tax paying citzens. I guess you can say it's radical because the platform of their believes are totally different from what is in place now. Most of the people that voted in Obama don't pay taxes, never worked a job, & want handouts. Government is not big brother & that is where our country is heading.

As for the article about Dearborn that is news to a lot of people; personally I live in Michigan and have never heard anything like that; I cannot wait till Nancy Pelosi & Harry Ried take a hike.
The Tea party is a revitalization of the Patriot movement. They are made up of people who are fed up and sick and tired of the political game of chess that is played on capital hill. They care about the future of America, protect our traditional values from change, and they are not afraid to be public about.

The difference between a strong conservative Republican and a member of the tea party is that the guy from the Tea party will tell you.

They believe in a strong America, that doesn't have to be watered down to please the masses from every shape color and size. They are strong patriots and proudly voice it. Their #1 concern is the Welfare and progression of the American people free from currents politicians and bureaucracy.

I Identify them with the mindset that the US had during cold war in other words: "Beat communists!, AMERICA FUCK YEAH!, "Honor and pride in all that we do under the flag" and America was built from steel, muscle, and the braun unrelenting spirit of the American people.
I am one of these tea party members. Call me a radical if you want, but I know what's right and I know what principles this country was founded upon. We need to bring back the constitution and stop destroying the document that allowed us to become who we are, a land free of tyranny and being afraid to speak out. Today, if you speak against the Obama administration you're a RACIST or FULL OF HATE. People called Bush a liar, an idiot, and everything under the sun. If you disagree with the president, you're a racist. We don't call him names like idiot and liar. I greatly disagree with his politics and for that I'm a 'radical' or 'dangerous' or 'hatemonger'. I don't agree with any president who SAYS OUT LOUD that he doesn't think that America is any greater than any other country.

In response to the racist remarks, there are many proud teaparty members that are minorities. Herman Cain, a great mind and thinker in today's United States, is black and is one of the tea-party's most outspoken members! It has nothing to do with race or hate, it has to do with the face that Obama's policies are a complete FAILURE! Why else would his own economic advisers QUIT?

I'm a registered Republican and a tea party member. The republicans that won't 'touch' the party are the ones who are scared to fight for what their constituents want. There are a TON of old incumbent republicans that have been voted out of office and replaced by these tea party people. Sorry, but you don't know anything at all.
I am also a registered Republican, but not in the Tea Party. I do agree with many things they stand for, however. I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, no government mandated health care, less welfare, etc. I am more libertarian about some things - for example, if you want to smoke pot or have sex with animals (or a bowl of jello for that matter), fine. Just don't involve me or make me pay for you medical bills when it goes awry. Also, I don't want you here if you are illegal. Come in the correct way. Mexico or any other country that supports itself by exporting you here to live off our system deserves to be overthrown. It is unfair to those who have followed the rules. It also places undue burden on the taxpaying public.
I'm a Dem and think health care should be free or cheaper... but free is better.
WTF does health care have to do with politics? And free? Who exactly is paying the bills if it's "free"? There is no such thing as "free". If health care were to cost no money for treatment it still has to be paid for-out of your tax dollars. Are you ready to forfeit 60% of your pay right now in taxes? Does that sound free?

Maybe everyone has forgotten, but the Federal Government was never set up as a tit for America to suck on for comfort. In this country you have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Healthcare, retirement funds, food stamps, etc. are not something that anybody is entitled to this is all shit we continue to add to our "budget" that comes out of a pool of tax dollars.

It pisses me off that damn near all of America seems to have forgotten that the Federal Government, or any government in this country, does not exist to support the nation or that they think it exists as a convenience.
Hold on a sec.... when I was talking about radicalization .... such as the tea party I was talking about Hard core republicans.... most republicans are a mix of moderate and the strong belief that government should be small and tax cuts for everyone.... Yes the tea party represents this but why not just call them republicans?

So whats the meaning of the Tea Party? What makes them soo Different then Republicans?

Yeah the Tea Party is supposed to be the revitalization of the Patriotic movement but does that mean they are not politicians (the people who are elected)? Once in office you are no different then the rest of the politicians.... anyone can get bought off for the right price... I will be eager to see what the elected tea party officials do in office that is different than their republican counter parts.... I see some of you have answered what the Tea Party is and I see some differences but what differently would an elected official from the tea party do ? I guess I repeated my question a couple times but I am interested to find out...

But this chick ... I don't kno about here she seems a little too extreme...

Remember America was founded on Freedom of religion, speech and yes expression... However.... she seems to be hateful of Muslims and I always thought that who we vote for should be a person that represents everyone including Muslims...

I do believe that the Mosque near ground zero should not be build because of 9/11 but our constitution does not give anyone anyone the right to say no either, due to the freedoms of which we all enjoy.... So who are we to say they can't build? If only politicians kept church and state separate maybe the would would be better off?
As someone who lost friends in the Beirut bombing, I am not too tolerant of radical islamists. The fact that we always have to give in to their wishes so we don't hurt their feelings is BS. They will hate us regardless and until the "moderate" members of Islam say something about it, I am not holding my breath.
As someone who lost friends in the Beirut bombing, I am not too tolerant of radical islamists. The fact that we always have to give in to their wishes so we don't hurt their feelings is BS. They will hate us regardless and until the "moderate" members of Islam say something about it, I am not holding my breath.

I know I as well "hate" the radicals and everything they believe in. But not all Muslims are suicide bombers or hateful war mongers.... I'm tolerant of all religions and see merit in everyone of them. I also have no religion...
yeah but balls.... will they really do this if they get elected into office or will they become like ever other lying politician...
I doubt it. I seriously doubt it. Sure, some may, but most will stand true. You have to think a lot of the current politicians are lawyers and public servants that know nothing else. Most of the new people are from businesses and the like, people outside of the big Washington circle and they know what its like for the REAL Americans out there.

Also, I haven't met a single Muslim who will condemn the terror attacks on innocent people. Why? Why are people who claim Islam is a 'religion of peace' not speaking out against there attacks against people who do not deserve such a thing? Because we're not innocent in their eyes. My wife's father was KILLED by a suicide bomber in Tel Aviv when she was 10. I'm pretty sure that suicide bomber wasn't Buddhist or Catholic. Sure, I have friend's that are 'Muslim' but they eat bacon and are married to Christians. They don't practice their religion because they are disgusted at the way it has changed their people. My friend 'Sean' (Yusef) said it himself at our last cookout. He's a tax paying, troop-supporting citizen and he despises the religion he used to belong to. Tell you anything? Religion of peace! HA! In their eyes, the peace will come when everyone has submitted to Sharia.

And what kind of an argument is "oh they'll be just as bad as the current people". With your statement, you just tried to rationalize away the basis of government upon which we were founded, including the right and reason to vote. That's like saying, "Don't go in and cut out my tumors. They'll just grow back!" Please, don't speak again on here with your uneducated opinions without first doing research that doesn't involve talking points and Michael Moore. You're a welder. Pretty sure you don't have to have a very high education to do that. I'm also pretty sure that's a union job, especially up north. Voting like your union boss is telling you to, eh?
Callsignduke that is second time you started a flaming thread on politics. Its recommended that you stop.
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